
共 1154 個結果
頁數:1...41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ...58

US aviation body says 737 Max safe to fly, Boeing shares dive

... ions took swift action after the crash. Safety standard Ethiopian Airlines, which has four other 737 MAX 8 jets, said it was grounding them as a precaution. China also ordered its airlines to suspend ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12


... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)最新報告顯示,1月人民幣支付金額相比去年12月上升15.21%,而同期其他所有 ...全文


Govt missed the best timing to regulate e-cigarettes

... t to take swift and decisive action to step up regulation of these alternative smoking products. Unfortunately, because of the government’s hesitation to address the issue in the last couple of years, ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-28

HK economy to grow 2-3% in 2019 amid uncertainties: Paul Chan

... ort and a swift response more difficult”. – Contact us at [email protected]  BN/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-27

Is JPMCoin a cryptocurrency?

... e current SWIFT system. However, SWIFT has also realized the dangers its business model is facing, and might be considering opening up its system to smaller players such as fin-tech companies, small b ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-26

China: Time to open the monetary tool box

The swift move in CSI 300 shares year to date appears to have wrong-footed investors, given that economic data releases are still poor. Meanwhile, authorities have begun to expand their monetary tool ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-18

Digitizing government services: An expert view

... e face of swift technological advancement, I suggest the government should consult the industry professionals before making a decision on the technology solution, in order to enhance the public's conf ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-01

CNY突破6.7關 1個月揚2.4%

... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)報告顯示,去年12月人民幣仍維持在國際支付中第五大活躍貨幣,但其支付份額則由去 ...全文


SWIFT forges alliance with blockchain consortium R3

Global banking payments network SWIFT has announced that it will integrate its GPI payments standard with R3's trade finance platform in a move that shows it is embracing the blockchain technology. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31


環球同業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)最新報告指出,12月人民幣維持在國際支付第五大活躍貨幣。 但人民幣在國際 ...全文


Follow Hong Kong’s example? You must be kidding

...  Tsai was swift and unflinching – saying there was no question of accepting this retreat from democratic government. As a result, Tsai has seen a significant boost to her admittedly rather dismal popu ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

Mamma Mia!女主角 演勻劇中母女創歷史

... nya及Nicky Swift飾演的Rosie十分老友。   Shona介紹:「Donna是一個獨立而堅強 ...全文


SWIFT落戶北京 設外商獨資企業

人民幣交易量與日俱增,環球同業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)近日在北京,與中方簽署合作備忘錄,SWIFT將在京 ...全文



北京市政府與環球同業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)在北京簽署合作備忘錄。 根據雙方的合作備忘錄,SWIFT將在 ...全文



... 歐盟亦稱要建立歐羅的SWIFT(環球同業銀行金融電訊協會),美元霸權已有鬆動,所以美國一開始就打擊歐羅,要英國 ...全文


人幣升見6.86 上月重返國際支付前五

... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)報告顯示,人民幣11月份再度成為國際支付第五大最活躍貨幣,月內人民幣支付金額按 ...全文



環球同業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)最新報告指出,11月人民幣再次成為國際支付第五大最活躍貨幣,其份額從10 ...全文


HK on alert as China's swine flu outbreak spreads to Guangdong

... nd ensure swift and effective responses in case of emergencies. In a press release after the meeting, Chan pointed out that authorities have already implemented a number of preventive measures since t ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-21


... 女歌手Taylor Swift指控前電台DJ David Mueller曾藉拍照機會襲臀,勝訴之後也向這個基金 ...全文



環球同業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)公布,10月人民幣在國際支付中最活躍貨幣的排名,下降至第6,其份額為1. ...全文


頁數:1...41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ...58

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