... 銀與香港航空推出聯營Visa卡,並以海外或網上簽賬,可享低至每3元兌換1金鵬俱樂部積分(FWC)積分,以助加快 ...全文
路透引述消息人士稱,Visa與萬事達卡提議減收商戶支付的遊客刷卡處理費,以結束歐盟多年來進行的反壟斷調查。 歐 ...全文
... 9%。金融股亦反彈,VISA暫漲1.7%,高盛和美國運通都升超過1%。 美國經濟數據則欠佳,10月耐用品訂單按 ...全文
The Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA) said the government should explain to the public why it decided last month to deny visa renewal for Victor Mallet, Asia news editor of the Financial Times, and bar ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-16
... l of work visa for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet as examples indicating growing Beijing’s interference in Hong Kong. The article didn't mention the more recent controversy of an arts center ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-15
... nvestment visa program has been suspended since 2015. Now, if authorities remove the BSD and resume the investment visa scheme, it would put a floor under the housing market. All in all, the most like ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-13
... nied work visa renewal for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet, Mo said. In a statement on Thursday, the Hong Kong Journalists Association said the Badiucao and Ma cases will add to fears that fr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-09
... his work visa a month earlier, and had instead given him a tourist visa for seven days to wrap up his affairs in the city. Asked about the government's latest move on Mallet, Lee told reporters: "Thi ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-09
Hong Kongers love traveling, taking on average 2.7 trips a year, according to Visa’s research. The accessibility of information at the fingertip has changed Hong Kongers’ travel habit. The latest Visa ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-08
... 「EARNMORE VISA」卡進行測試,發卡機構並無向卡主發出SMS驗證碼,令記者能冒認卡主把該信用卡綑綁至 ...全文
... the work visa for the Asia news editor of the Financial Times, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. They asked her whether the move indicated her government was tightening restrictions on press fr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-02
... 2.64%。 金融股VISA股價飆4.4%,暫為表現最強道指成分股,高盛攀升4.2%,摩根大通都上揚2.8%。 ...全文
... 。 「免簽證計劃」(Visa Waiver Program)於1986年由列根政府提出,讓特定國家的公民基於旅 ...全文
... his work visa application. And because of that, the TECOHK, a civilian-level organization that is serving as Taiwan’s de facto consulate in the city, has remained leaderless since the beginning of Au ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-29
... topus and Visa PayWave for payment options, and they were not even widely adopted, as restaurants in Hong Kong had their transactions mainly by cash. Things have changed after the two major payment se ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-26
... ,市場上僅有八達通及Visa payWave電子支付平台,市場發展空間狹窄,餐飲業仍流行現金交易。業務繁忙、節 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月26日
... denial of visa for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet, the mysterious disappearance of staff members of Causeway Bay Books, and the outlawing of a political party. As a result, some countries an ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25
... celed the visa of Victor Mallet, who hosted a Foreign Correspondents' Club lunch talk by independence advocate Andy Chan Ho-tin. The only large-scale protest recently was against the government's prop ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25