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Is China dropping hints about the future of Hong Kong?

... ases well beyond 2047." Interestingly, both Leung and L ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年01月23日

【環宇搜股】雞仔注跟螞蟻金服投Global Blue

... 僅微跌0.27%。 Beyond Meat又再熱炒 美股雖然下跌,但個股繼續開P,炒到飛天的人造肉Beyond ...全文


China 2019 FDI up 5.8%, outbound investment slumps

... urope and beyond through large-scale infrastructure projects. Investment by Chinese firms was once a significant driver of global asset prices from property to mergers and acquisitions. But it has fal ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

How hackers attack accounts and what you can do to stop them

... above and beyond a username and password. Deploy technology that recognizes when accounts have been compromised and remediates in real-time by alerting users and removing malicious emails sent from co ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Putin speeds up Russian political shake-up

... uld reach beyond the political system and the government. In a surprise move, Putin announced plans for reforms last week. Long-time ally Dmitry Medvedev then resigned as prime minister along with the ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

How a UK-based startup is finding success with SME banking

...  has gone beyond the UK and significantly expanded the growth plans for its platform business, especially in the US, by establishing partnerships and loan origination for banks. It currently has platf ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20

Has the world economy reached peak growth?

... ined much beyond that point. Europeans can talk all they want about “structural reform.” But without effective productivity-enhancing measures, the EU’s growth potential will remain in decline. As for ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

綠色金融受重視 公司正邪定估值

... ,買入當時仍然低迷的Beyond Meat(BYND),結果大勝。 不約而同,筆者亦在相若時間出手,理由是金球 ...全文


Carrie Lam: 'One country, two systems' can continue beyond 2047

The "one country, two systems" framework that allows Hongkongers to enjoy freedoms unavailable in mainland China can continue beyond the 2047 expiry date, so long as the locals, especially the youth, ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16


... 一旦跌穿便要減倉。 Beyond Meat六日狂飆57% 屬本欄今年五隻黑馬股之一,人造肉Beyond Mea ...全文


Malaysia Airlines suspends taking delivery of 737 MAX jets

... uld slide beyond that. Malaysia Airlines did not respond immediately to a request for comment on how many of the 25 planes it has on order were due to be delivered this year. Analysts said cash-strapp ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15

Human Rights Watch report blasts China 'oppression'

... no one is beyond the reach of Chinese censors, and an international human rights system so weakened that it no longer serves as a check on government repression,” Kenneth Roth, HRW's global head, was ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15

Not all protester cases would warrant prosecutions: HKBA chief

... s looking beyond the four corners of a charge sheet to other matters, both personal to the person charged and to other matters, is a part of the rule of law,” Dykes said. The HKBA chief then pointed o ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

Chinese woman with mystery virus quarantined in Thailand

... ar spread beyond there, the WHO said. “The possibility of cases being identified in other countries was not unexpected, and reinforces why WHO calls for on-going active monitoring and preparedness in ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

Wuhan pneumonia outbreak not currently spreading: WHO

An outbreak of pneumonia that has killed one person in China and infected 40 others appears to be linked to a single seafood market in the central city of Wuhan and has not so far spread beyond there, ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

父子同心 推動立體錯視藝術

... 打卡」,恍如本港樂隊Beyond名曲《舊日的足跡》歌詞中兩句「每一張可愛、在遠處的笑面」,是我們創作的最大動力 ...全文


【環宇搜股】Beyond Meat Get Set Go!

... 本欄五隻黑馬股之一的BEYOND MEAT(BYND),受惠對手Impossible Foods不再爭取麥當勞 ...全文


Don’t let tariffs break the internet

...  and well beyond the remit of national customs agencies. We can only hope common sense will prevail, and that the most important trade deal you (probably) never heard of will be renewed this December ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-09

Full trade deal with UK 'impossible' by end-2020: EU chief

... on period beyond 2020, trade relations between the EU and Britain from the start of 2021 will either be governed by whatever agreement can be hammered out by the end of this year, or World Trade Organ ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-09

美零售商Bed Bath & Beyond業績差 股價挫

美國家居用品零售集團Bed Bath & Beyond公布的上季業績令人失望,同時撤回年度業績預測。 ...全文


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