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【新股追蹤】FriendTimes明招股 入場費3960元

... 識產權組合、增加有關IP內容的產品;10%將用於策略性收購;10%將用作營運資金及一般企業用途。 股份預計10 ...全文



... vestments IP Holding Company Limited之註冊商標。參閲者:本文件僅供收件人使 ...全文


按營業額申請加快批核 累借546億

... 這時候,系統即會按照IP位址、用戶地理位置、過往交易紀錄等數據,核實是否有黑客入侵用戶賬號,抑或是該紐約用戶真 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月16日

CGA旺角場館供體驗 辦國際賽考細心

... 已建立不少知識產權(IP),包括香港電競節、手遊電競等。 場館業務方面,位於旺角麥花臣匯的CGA電競館,於今年 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月13日

Ensuring safe cross-border travel for teachers, students

...  of participating in or supporting the Hong Kong demonstrations. Personal belongings, including mobile phones, were said to have been searched by the mainland authorities as they sought to determine i ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12


... 企只要擁有知識產權(IP),通過微軟員工的多重驗證後,將為中小企提供配對及銷售工作。企業既可拓展客源,而微軟員 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月11日

Unspoken pact of pan-dems, radical protesters is tenuous

... hat participants and leaders were seriously split over their strategies at that time. The failure of the Occupy movement has given rise to a view that the conventional political leadership in social m ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

... test US trip between Aug. 19 and 22, we visited New York as well as the states of Montana and Oregon. However, the most important part of the entire visit was the “Hong Kong–United States Legislative ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

網傳跳樓身亡 韓國瑜狠批「黑韓」

... 證確認假消息,並查出IP位址分別在美國、加拿大,並已由刑事警察大隊科偵隊調查,刑事局偵八大隊也主動偵辦。 為了 ...全文


Carrie Lam won't rule out emergency powers to stop violence

... an Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee urged Lam to think twice about invoking the emergency law, saying such a move will create a lot of risks. In a radio program on Wednesday morning, To said only a small percent ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-28


... 按揭界朋友Dick Ip嘅月餅券,你呢張餅券提醒我仲有兩個半星期就到中秋節啦。 作者阿珊,任財經/投資版傳媒人 ...全文


美圖中期經營轉佳 虧損縮至1.7億人幣

... ,需付錢才能解鎖聯合IP品牌增強濾鏡和特效,如Hello Kitty特效。他表示,訂閱模式主打美國、日本、巴西 ...全文


美圖:每季經營有好轉 料今年虧損大幅收窄

... ,需付錢才能解鎖聯合IP品牌增強濾鏡和特效,如Hello Kitty特效。他表示,訂閱模式主打美國、日本、巴西 ...全文



... 悉,原業主為葉泰海(IP TAI HOI PAUL),與香港明記製造有限公司董事長葉泰海中英文姓名相同,於20 ...全文


'Hung To' march passes without clashes despite tense moments

... the participants left the procession afterwards and went to Mong Kok Police Station to vent their anger. The route of the march, which began at 3:40 pm, was originally envisaged to be from Hung Hom Fe ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-19

Exchanges between Hong Kong and US lawmakers

... y; Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee of the New People’s Party; Felix Chung Kwok-pan of the Liberal Party, and myself. On the US side, four Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives and th ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-16


... 通過呼籲將知識產權(IP)更頻繁地用於抵押品而回應了這些舉措。中國監管機構資料顯示,中國最大的國有銀行對小企業 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年08月15日


...  登記買家為葉曉明(IP HIU MING FLORA)。 據悉,原業主於2011年11月以6440萬元購入上 ...全文


Why lawmakers from both political camps are keen on a US trip

... American diplomat's reported meeting with some "Hong Kong independence” activists. However, since Hong Kong is an international metropolis, one should understand that it is common for local political ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12

Two ExCo members say 'mastermind' behind recent protests

Two non-official members of the Executive Council said they believe some shadowy force has been behind recent anti-government protests. However, the two – New People's Party chairwoman Regina Ip Lau S ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-09

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