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台灣首富郭台銘 長期奮戰開新篇

台灣鴻海和日本聲寶(Sharp)「眉來眼去」4年之久,最後在雙方上演多次「話娶唔娶,話嫁唔嫁」的鬧劇後,鴻海3 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2016年04月09日

Diabetes among children a growing problem, say health experts

Hong Kong has seen a sharp rise in diabetes cases among children and teenagers, health experts said Thursday, warning of growing risks from unhealthy food habits and lack of physical activity. Type 2 ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-08

Look beyond the stock market and pay attention to the renminbi

Earlier this year, China revealed that its economy experienced the slowest annual growth rate in a quarter century, fuelling fears that the country could be heading for a sharp slowdown or hard landin ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-08

After a roller-coaster month, stocks could settle in April

... rofit and sharp losses due to a slowing Chinese economy and a weaker yuan. It’s estimated that only 10 percent of companies made a profit last year. Less than 3 percent reported profit growth. China’s ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05


拖拉經年,台灣的鴻海集團終於在3月30日宣布收購日本的聲寶(Sharp),作價3888億日圓(約268億港元) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global一周最足數2016年04月02日

鴻海聯日抗韓 跑贏有理

日本企業向來罕有向外資賣盤,今回台灣鴻海成功以3888億日圓(約268億港元)作價收購聲寶(Sharp)66% ...全文


Thousands arrested in swoop on illegal immigrants, snakeheads

Nearly 3,000 illegal immigrants and more than 100 suspected traffickers have been arrested on both sides of the border since January. The arrests followed a sharp increase in fake asylum seekers, most ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

ADB sees China growth at 6.5% this year

... DB said a sharp slowdown in investment in China, particularly in the real-estate sector and other capital intensive industries, will continue to weigh on the economy, although this will be partly offs ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

Foxconn agrees to buy Sharp after slashing original offer

Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group, formally known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd., agreed to acquire Japan's Sharp Corp. at a big discount to its original offer. Foxconn will pay about US$3.5 b ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

鴻海吞聲寶將成事 股價齊漲

台灣鴻海及日本聲寶(Sharp)的收購談判懸而未決超過一個月後,兩者齊聲表示會盡快完成談判,刺激兩間公司股價上 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月29日

Markets stage sharp rallies on slower US rate hikes

The Hang Seng Index is likely to move in the range of 20,700-21,000 points in the short term. Investors have been constantly switching among different bets for short-term speculation because of the l ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-24

Obstacles hinder TVB bid to break into mainland market

... uffered a sharp drop in its earnings for 2015, as the dominant player in the Hong Kong market experiences difficulty gaining traction in the mainland market, for which its content is being increasingl ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-24

Gold may test US$1,280 on safe-haven demand

... ces stage sharp recovery. After being over-bought recently, the unit faces increasing risk of correction. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on March 23. Translation by Julie Zhu ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23

Stay cautious on the market and preserve capital

... following sharp falls earlier this year. Short-term investors should strictly implement stop-losses and switch bets frequently. Those who have a medium-term horizon should continue to stay on the side ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23

Cherry blossom viewing, mainland Chinese-style

... et. A few sharp kicks at an uncooperative tree succeeded in persuading it to yield its blossoms for his personal enjoyment. The man's behavior, captured on a video clip uploaded to the internet, drew ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22

China quietly renews support for margin trading

... after the sharp swings earlier in the year,” said Shen Zhengyang, analyst at Northeast Securities. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22


日本《讀賣新聞》昨天報道,台灣鴻海集團準備把日本電子商聲寶(Sharp)的收購價,由最初的4890億日圓(約3 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月21日

What can we learn from contemporary Chinese art?

... hands and sharp minds do to break the association between a nation and its Soviet-style propaganda art?  This narrative is a familiar one too: Chinese police shut down art exhibitions in Beijing, Shan ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19

以債換股紓燃眉 產能過剩大手尾

... 電子產品生產商聲寶(Sharp)作例,看看以債換股如何徒勞無益。去年,聲寶陷入困境,債權銀行三菱日聯(Mits ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月18日

涉資數十億 料周內公布

... 白色家電事業與聲寶(Sharp)相關業務合併。鴻海和聲寶開始商量併購後,東芝遂將目標轉移至海外潛在買家。 東芝 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月16日

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