
共 2683 個結果
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英國創投基金 31億攻歐洲科企

... elsen)之前曾在Uber任職,他指出,以他以往在美國矽谷10年的經歷,歐洲並非不能夠組成一間足以與矽谷科技 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月13日

稱卡舒吉被殺是錯誤 Uber CEO認錯

召車公司Uber行政總裁(CEO)霍斯勞沙希(Dara Khosrowshahi)表示,為了較早時稱《華盛頓郵 ...全文


Uber前CEO售股 套現逾42億

召車軟件商Uber發表的通告顯示,創辦人之一兼前任行政總裁(CEO)Travis Kalanick出售所持Ub ...全文


崇光昨停業以策安全 一田提早關門

... ,外賣平台亦受影響,Uber Eats昨日中午宣布,因應突發事故,為確保合作夥伴安全,暫時停止服務直至另行通知 ...全文


Is the global dollar in jeopardy?

... sure from Uber and Lyft. Bitcoin and its fellow crypto-travelers were designed to supersede financial intermediaries, such as banks. And, in theory, it would be possible to organize much of finance wi ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11


召車軟件商優步(Uber)蝕個不停,周一宣布第三季虧損擴大至11.6億美元。行政總裁霍斯勞沙希(Dara Kh ...全文

今日信報EJ Global一周最足數2019年11月09日

WeWork累軟銀勁蝕 創投出手更趨謹慎

... d),因為大量投資於Uber和WeWork等仍然蝕錢且估計尚有一段時間處於虧損的新創企業,導致損手,故逐漸關注 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月09日


... ns回落2.81%;Uber股票禁售期結束,盤中曾瀉9%,創歷史新低,收市仍挫3.85%。 外圍焦點簡訊 ■ ...全文


貿談膠着 道指標指收市靠穩 納指受壓

... 6點。 召車程式公司Uber股票禁售期結束,股價收市挫3.85%,盤中曾瀉9%,創歷史新低25.58美元。惠普 ...全文


中美談判貿協膠着 美股靠穩

... 07%。召車程式公司Uber股票禁售期結束,股價收市挫3.85%,盤中曾瀉9%,創歷史新低25.58美元。惠普 ...全文


軟銀為WeWork減值 季蝕505億

... Work和召車軟件商Uber的投資減值,拖累集團第二季度業績由盈轉虧,是14年來首度錄得季度虧損。軟銀在季績中 ...全文



... 濟格局。想一想優步(Uber)和Lyft是如何快速衝擊計程車行業。 比特幣以及相關加密貨幣正是旨在取代銀行等金 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年11月06日

SoftBank reports US$8.9 billion loss from Vision Fund

... eWork and Uber, Reuters reports. The depth of the loss casts doubts on founder Masayoshi Son’s high-risk strategy of investing in cash-burning startups, as he is trying to raise a second massive inves ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06

US agency probing fatal crash says Uber software had flaws

An Uber self-driving test vehicle that struck and killed an Arizona woman in 2018 had software flaws, the US National Transportation Safety Board said as it disclosed the company’s autonomous test veh ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-06

業績參差沖淡貿談利好 美股破頂後個別發展

... 布業績,其中召車公司Uber第三季虧損和收入雖優於預期,但用戶增長和預約額均令市場失望,拖累股價跌逾7%。快餐 ...全文



召車軟件商優步(Uber)周一公布,截至9月底止第三季,股東虧損擴大至11.6億美元(約90.5億港元),較去 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月06日

關注貿協前景 美股延續漲勢再破頂

... 布業績,其中召車公司Uber第三季虧損和收入雖優於預期,但用戶增長和預約額均令市場失望,拖累股價跌逾6%。快餐 ...全文


Rakuten sees US$947 million loss from Lyft investment in Q3

... ger rival Uber Inc. in the United States. At its own earnings presentation last week, Lyft said a growing number of customers were now paying full price for rides, and the improved outlook showed it w ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Gojek, other bike-hailing firms to start test runs in Malaysia

... ught over Uber Technology’s operations in Southeast Asia last year. Grab, which is backed by Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp., has struggled to adapt to new regulations requiring all ride-hailing drivers ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Uber shares plunge after loss widens on rising costs

Uber Technologies Inc. posted a wider third-quarter loss as costs soared at the ride-hailing company, sending its shares down 4.4 percent in after-hours trading, Reuters reports. But the company promi ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

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