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【國際早班車】聯儲褐皮書:美經濟溫和增長 工資物價揚

... 每股盈利遜預期。■ Visa第四季純利升33.2%,每股盈利勝預期。■ 微軟第一季純利按年升34%,每股盈利勝 ...全文


Visa上季業績符預期 市後股價揚

全球最大信用卡營運商之一Visa公布,截至9月30日止第四季淨利潤升33.2%至28.5億美元(222.3億港 ...全文


Is Carrie Lam capable of rekindling hope in Hong Kong?

... celed the visa of Victor Mallet, who hosted a Foreign C ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年10月25日

Goldman-backed fintech startup Marqeta launches in Europe

...  Inc. and Visa Inc., Marqeta has developed a platform that it says makes payment card issuing and processing simpler and more efficient for businesses. It is expanding in Europe through its partnershi ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

【環宇搜股】蘋果危危乎 買TECS等跌

... 倉分別為蘋果、微軟及Visa,佔整個ETF持股分別19.8%、17.1%及5.2%,尤其蘋果上日再度失守50天 ...全文


Zhang Xiaoming: Zero tolerance for HK independence

...  the work visa of Victor Mallet, Financial Times’ Asia news editor and first vice-president of Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC). Zhang was also quoted as saying that since Hong Kong retu ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-19

美股復現恐慌抛售 道指下午瀉逾400點

... 以上;金融股亦受壓,Visa挫2.84%,美國運通、摩根大通與高盛都倒退逾1%。重型機械股Caterpilla ...全文


科技股領跌 道指近午間挫逾300點

... 2%;金融股亦受壓,VISA挫2.11%,摩根大通與高盛都倒退逾1%。重型機械股Caterpillar回落3. ...全文


Erosion of 'two systems' bigger worry than wasteful projects

... l of work visa for Financial Times journalist and Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) office-bearer Victor Mallet may have created a negative impression among the public, and hence the low satisfaction ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-18

British consulate slams 'wrong' comparisons on visa denials

The United Kingdom provides visa seekers the reasons in the event the applications are rejected, the British Consulate-General in Hong Kong said on Monday, amid a controversy surrounding the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-16

道指抹掉逾400點升幅 午市初段輕微倒跌

... 。表現最佳的成份股為VISA,暫漲2.9%,微軟與蘋果都升近1.5%。 花旗集團第三季盈利46.22億美元,按 ...全文


道指抹掉逾300點升幅 午間彈不足100點

... 。表現最佳的成份股為VISA,暫漲3.4%,微軟與蘋果都升近2%。 花旗集團第三季盈利46.22億美元,按年上 ...全文


港人2021年起歐遊須登記ETIAS Visa

港人在2021年開始,歐遊須登記ETIAS Visa。 歐盟早前宣布推出「歐盟旅遊資訊與授權系統」(ETIAS ...全文


Don’t let visa denial saga be the last nail in HK coffin

Much has been said about the government's refusal to renew the working visa of British journalist Victor Mallet, who is an editor of the Asian news desk of the Financial Times and also the first vice- ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

Landmark civil partnership cases in Hong Kong and England

... ied for a visa to reside in the city with her same-sex partner. On 18 September, the government announced that it would now recognize overseas same-sex partnerships in spousal visa applications. The a ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

What Carrie Lam didn't address in her policy speech

... of a work visa for a Financial Times correspondent who chaired a Foreign Correspondents’ Club talk by independence advocate Andy Chan Ho-tin, Beijing’s intolerance of even non-violent discussion of in ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

What Carrie Lam didn’t address in her policy speech

... of a work visa for a Financial Times correspondent who ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年10月11日

Pro-Beijing camp concerned over visa denial backlash

The SAR government’s decision not to renew the working visa of British journalist Victor Mallet, who is also first vice-president of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC), has raised concerns in the ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

Lam: Govt will 'fearlessly' act against independence advocates

...  the work visa of British journalist Victor Mallet of the Financial Times. Pan-democrats and other groups suspect the move was in retribution to Mallet's previous decision to invite HKNP leader Andy C ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

Democrats plan to ask CE to testify on visa denial

With the government declining to explain why it decided to reject a British journalist’s application for renewal of his work visa, some pan-democrats are considering using their power to summon Chief ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

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