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The putative case for lying down

... tantial traction amongst the country’s youth and millen ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年06月24日


... he People Act)旨在保護投票權並擴大所有美國人投票管道。該議案在周二的「程序性投票」中需60票才能 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年06月24日

The putative case for lying down

A recent phenomenon has taken China by storm – more specifically, it has gained substantial traction amongst the country’s youth and millennials. “Lying down” denotes a mixture of anti-materialist min ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-23

Hong Kong Ballet’s spectacular new Romeo a big hit

... val after Act 1, this new production has updated Renaissance Italy to Hong Kong in the 1960s. Being a tribute to this city which has been his home for the last four years, Webre has assembled a knowle ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-22


... Education Act)簡稱 DSHEA。在DSHEA尚未通過之前,「補健食品」與「藥物」沒有清楚分界,F ...全文


美跨黨派議員擬提案 促華府加強台灣聯繫

... Stability Act),要求華府實質上支持台灣拓展民主、經濟與外交空間,並在90天內向國會作出滙報,解釋 ...全文


Judge for yourself

... crative practice at the Bar for the benefit of the community at large. In terms of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) persuading the common law world’s Supreme Courts to consent to their brightest and be ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-15

The return of the finance threat?

...  be – in fact, must be – a durable, inclusive, and sustainable recovery from the horrid COVID-19 shock. The story of the 2008 crisis has been told many times. Dazzled by how financial innovations, inc ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-10


... mpetition Act或USICA),被視為用以應對中國科技威脅的重要手段,當中會撥款520億美元加強科研 ...全文


The inflation red herring

... se, the exact tightness of the current US labor market is a matter of some debate, given reports of labor shortages despite employment remaining markedly below its pre-crisis level. Conservatives blam ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-09


... mpetition Act或USICA)。 USICA早已得到共和與民主兩黨共同支持,因此通過法案是意料中事。 ...全文


China is losing propaganda war in Europe

... omats who act as “wolf warriors”. In March, Lu Shaye, its ambassador in Paris, called French academic Antoine Bondaz “a small-time thug”, an “ideological troll” and a “crazed hyena”. France’s Foreign ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-07


... he People Act),意味有關議案不大可能成為法例。 被視為民主黨內溫和派的Manchin指,有關議案 ...全文


紅會主席見緬軍領袖 籲停鎮壓允人道援助

... l Secrets Act),其代表律師透露,最高法院將在6月23日舉行聆訊,但擔心會秘密進行,被告未能接觸法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年06月05日

Tips for improving digital retail experiences

... diture) practices for allocating IT budgets (like optimising spend for redundant capacity and storage over compute resources) had to find their place alongside variable OpEx (operating expenditure) su ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-03

Integrating customer service support with social media

... tomer Contact Week Digital (CCWD) Report from Infobip, a global cloud communications platform provider, found that within a purchase process, 95 per cent of users will refuse to move from one stage to ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

Uber Lyft疫後難聘司機
領救濟好過打工 推升車資四成

... 困方案(CARES Act)之下,具資格申請「聯邦疫情大流行失業援助計劃」(PUA),意味着司機毋須急於重返零 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年06月02日

Decoding China’s 2060 carbon-neutral plan

... ry’s manufacturing landscape evolving over the next 40 years. However, given the immediate uncertainty and lack of clarity on how these green initiatives will be rolled out, investors will need to kee ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-01


... 「新冠疫苗工具獲取(ACT)加速計劃」的疫苗支柱,以及「非洲疫苗採購工作組計劃」,高達數億劑的疫苗分配將在未來 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年05月29日

打造科技強國 突破產鏈圍堵

...  Frontier Act),擬在5年內投放1100億美元在人工智能、半導體等先進科技研發上,既要遏制中國,亦 ...全文


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