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... 了女性工程師委員會(Amazon Women in Engineering, AWE),在全球共有30多個分會 ...全文


Comcast set to launch Peacock streaming service

... pple TV+, Amazon.com Inc.’s Amazon Prime Video, Hulu (controlled by Disney), and ViacomCBS Inc.’s CBS All Access. In May, AT&T Inc.’s WarnerMedia will launch its new entrant, HBO Max. The majority ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Google parent Alphabet tops US$1 trillion market cap

Google's parent Alphabet became the fourth US company to top a market value of more than US$1 trillion, joining a lofty club that includes Microsoft, Amazon and Apple. Alphabet entered the trillion-do ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Microsoft vows to erase its carbon footprint in climate push

... o little. Amazon.com Inc., the world’s largest online retailer, last year pledged to be “net zero carbon” by 2040 and to buy 100,000 electric delivery vans from a startup, after employee activists pus ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Amazon offers US$1 billion to help small businesses in India

Amazon.com Inc.'s chief executive Jeff Bezos said his company will invest US$1 billion to bring small businesses online in India, reaching out to some of his fiercest critics in a goodwill visit, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16


印度反壟斷機構針對亞馬遜(Amazon),以及沃爾瑪(Walmart)佔77%的Flipkart,調查兩間公司 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月15日


... 無法預測亞馬遜會推出Amazon Web Service(AWS)。投資它們,是看好其創辦人及管理層有本事,就 ...全文


Australia's massive fires could become routine, scientists warn

... avia, the Amazon and Siberia, the review found. Globally, fire weather seasons have lengthened across about 25 percent of the Earth’s vegetated surface, resulting in about a 20 percent increase in the ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

Amazon to ramp up counterfeit reporting to law enforcement

E-commerce giant Amazon is planning to give more data on counterfeit goods to law enforcement in a further crackdown on fakes listed on its online retail platform, Reuters reports, citing a person fam ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14


印度反壟斷機構下令對亞馬遜(Amazon)和沃爾瑪(WalMart)旗下電商平台Flipkart涉嫌違反公平競 ...全文


Former Pope Benedict breaks silence on celibacy debate

...  from the Amazon proposed that married men in the remote area be allowed to be ordained priests, which could lead to a landmark change in the Church’s centuries-old discipline of celibacy. Pope Franci ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

Seattle moves to curb corporate political donations

... s such as Amazon. At least 9 percent of Amazon’s stock is owned by foreign investors, according to financial data provider Refinitiv. The online retail giant, Seattle’s largest employer, donated a rec ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

亞馬遜再洩客戶資料 涉事員工已遭解僱

全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)一周之內第二次承認有員工在未經許可下,把客戶資料透露給第三方人士,而有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月13日

智能音箱廠告谷歌 或招收購

... onos認為亞馬遜(Amazon)也有侵權,但未有提出訴訟,相信雙方目前正在商討解決方案。Sonos及亞馬遜都 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月10日

【EJFQ信析】地緣風險不足懼 美股回調看科企

... ebook、亞馬遜(Amazon)、Netflix雖跑輸蘋果,惟分別從高峰累瀉44%、36%、45%後,以周一 ...全文


地緣風險不足懼 美股回調看科企

... ebook、亞馬遜(Amazon)、Netflix雖跑輸蘋果,惟分別從高峰累瀉44%、36%、45%後,以周一 ...全文



美國人主要以駕車為代步工具,入油講求分秒必爭。近日亞馬遜(Amazon)推出新功能,只要座駕或者手提電話支援A ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月08日

Astroscale sees big role for itself amid commercial space race

... nies like Amazon-backed Blue Origin, Tesla-backed SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, among others, are starting to build out the capability that allows easier access to space, kick-starting the commercial s ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

谷歌等四大科企搶駐紐約 2022年滙聚2萬人才

... 時報》報道,亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果公司(Apple)、Facebook及谷歌(Google)等四大科企, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月07日


... oods超市與無人店Amazon Go。德國是亞馬遜第二大市場,僅次於美國。 根據報道,Kleber認為亞馬遜 ...全文


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