
共 1514 個結果
頁數:1...43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ...76

HK vs Singapore: Who will be the digital payments leader?

... lipay and WeChat Pay, China’s two biggest providers of mobile payments, are now involved in a trial MTR payment scheme to give travelers more options for purchasing public transport tickets. As initia ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-18

Why MTR is looking to upgrade its fare collection system

... AlipayHK, WeChat Pay HK and Octopus O!ePay had participated in the prequalification process for the MTR tender in May. They may be able to submit a formal tender next month if they get qualified. Amon ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-17

庖丁解牛 何子拆馬

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文



呃足幾代人的倫敦金騙案近日又再傳新消息,不法集團聘請「美女演員」,利用WeChat尋找男性獵物發展「網戀」,氹 ...全文


Bike-sharing business model won't work in Hong Kong

... ed to use WeChat Pay to pay the rent, while Ofo users have to use Alipay. Moreover, the embedded GPS system in the bikes records the routes taken by the riders. Internet giants collect valuable data f ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

Thirty-one, including 10 women, arrested over gold trading scam

... rough the WeChat messaging app, pretending to be interested in making friends with them and then ensnaring them gradually into parting with their cash. After the victims fell for the sweet talk, the w ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

Why Big Mac is undervalued in Hong Kong

... apps like WeChat Pay and Alipay offer a HK$10 discount on the bill. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

警公布共拘31人 披露犯案手法

... 失逾2600萬元。 WeChat尋獵物 發展「網戀」 警方昨召開記者會披露案件內情,表示前日出動近300人,大 ...全文


警打擊倫敦金騙案 詐騙集團美女誘騙投資

... 女子,透過通訊軟件(WeChat)接觸受害人,自稱是成功的投資顧問,並在社交媒體展現擁有名車等的奢華生活,及向 ...全文


Ant Financial eyes new overseas markets for digital payments

After years of stunning growth led by two home-grown giants Alipay and WeChat Pay, China's digital payments market appears somewhat saturated for now. With business slowing at home, mainland players h ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-11

內地責令抖音等整改 暫停投放廣告

... 爆,導致用戶在微信(WeChat)等競爭性應用程式上花費的時間增長放緩,估計廣告禁令可能導致字節跳動每日損失1 ...全文


Liu Xiaobo's widow Liu Xia allowed to leave China: reports

... id on his WeChat account, according to a screenshot of the message shown to Reuters by another friend. Her departure, following a year of pressure on the government from activists and international hu ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-10


... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 全方位數碼理財產品及服務 助中小企客戶把握商機

... 工具。去年滙豐亦推出WeChat訊息提示及理財服務,方便外地客戶接收銀行訊息。 滙豐於去年宣布與國際雲端會計公 ...全文


WeChat Pay買麥當勞$25減$10

... 份提供麥當勞優惠後,WeChat Pay HK公布,趁世界盃期間,於本周一(2日)至16日在麥當勞每消費滿25 ...全文



... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


Court photos lady bites immigration officer in HK airport drama

... ed to her WeChat messenger account. Under Hong Kong laws, photography in a courtroom is prohibited, and such activity could constitute a serious offense. Following the sentencing on June 4, Tang was d ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29

Should you invest in Meituan-Dianping?

... lipay and WeChat Pay. As Alibaba uses various fronts such as Ele.me to capture the online services market, Meituan could find itself burning more cash to defend its market share, denting the bottom li ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-26


... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


傳承不如拆局 壯大務必稱王

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


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