
共 1385 個結果
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10 China stocks to own - 2: Tencent

...  life, in sharp contrast with Alibaba and even Baidu, which have both been caught up in high-profile tussles with regulators, rivals and even clients over issues like piracy and fraudulent advertising ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-23

This is what developing countries are most worried about

...  with the sharp declines in these prices, which have hit many developing and emerging economies in Latin America and Africa hard. Indeed, the UN report lists 29 economies that are likely to be badly a ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-19

How China's bottled water industry is posing a threat to Tibet

... umented a sharp decrease in the area and mass of eastern Himalayan glaciers. One of the world’s most bio-diverse but ecologically fragile regions, the Tibetan Plateau is now warming at more than twice ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-18

Green groups hit govt move to open closed roads in South Lantau

...  the many sharp bends on Keung Shan Road leading to Tai O could pose threats to drivers who are not familiar with road conditions, while the width of road in many areas is not ideal for driving even a ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-16

World markets in crisis? It’s all in your head

Since the beginning of the year, sharp volatility and declines in the global markets have made investors confused. Are we heading into a global crisis? What has gone wrong? Is the market telling us so ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-16

China must encourage its shoppers to spend more at home

... as posted sharp falls recently after strong rally earlier. The greenback may struggle to maintain the strength seen over the last two years if the Fed rate hikes lag expectations. By contrast, the Chi ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-15

China exports, imports shrink faster than expected

... lieve the sharp drop of trade in January was a reflection of weak external demand, especially given the weak exports of neighboring economies such as Korea and Taiwan," ANZ economists Li-Gang Liu and ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-15


日本Sharp上周戲劇性宣布優先考慮與台灣鴻海商討賣盤事宜,預算在2月底前作最後決定,震動整個日本社會。台灣鴻 ...全文



台灣鴻海董事長郭台銘周五在日本大阪與聲寶(Sharp)高層就併購事宜開會逾8小時後,稱聲寶給予鴻海優先談判權, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月06日

Britain has 'lasting commitments' to Hong Kong, says envoy

... ngenious, sharp and clever. That's good. We certainly need to have our wits around this year in Hong Kong," she said in a video greeting. "It's a year that should not be about monkey business but abou ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-05

Sharp chooses Foxconn as preferred bidder over Japan fund

Struggling Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp Corp. has chosen Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group as its preferred bidder in takeover talks, Reuters reported, citing unnamed sources. A successful ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-05


日本聲寶(Sharp)社長高橋興三昨天承認,公司正專注跟台灣鴻海磋商,但拒認公司已傾向賣盤予鴻海。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年02月05日

Five youngsters arrested in Tin Shui Wai for 'lucky' tomb raids

... eceived a sharp rise in complaints of desecrated urn graves in the villages of Sha Kong Wai, Ngau Hom Tsuen and San Hing Tsuen. Many of the damaged urns were repaired while some were buried undergroun ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01

Here's why investors run to the US when markets quake

... ve posted sharp tumbles, saddling investors with hefty paper losses. A strengthening US dollar and tepid demand are putting downward pressure on commodity prices. Sagging trade and falling freight rat ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01

Mexico seeks stronger ties with HK on 'Belt and Road' plan

...  acquired Sharp Corp.’s LCD television factory in Mexico for US$23.7 million, as the financially embattled Japanese firm offloaded some of its assets. In October, China Communications Construction Co. ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01

China's transparency problem

... y between sharp and volatile short-term price movements in financial markets and more gradual long-term structural adjustments in the real economy. Unlike in the past, when Chinese policymakers were a ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01


... 萬美元收購日本夏普(Sharp)在墨西哥的平面電視廠房。上月海爾集團則斥資54億美元,收購通用電器在當地的家電 ...全文


Sharp賣盤本周揭曉 郭台銘有信心奪寶

台灣鴻海科技集團董事長郭台銘表示,有信心日本聲寶(Sharp)會接受其收購建議,並預料聲寶本周內作決定。 郭台 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月01日

HK market faces further risks as China proxy

... t further sharp slide in its currency. If those things do not happen, hedge funds would attack the Hong Kong market and the Hong Kong dollar again. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Jour ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-30


日本聲寶(Sharp)收購爭奪戰持續,《華爾街日報》報道,台灣鴻海的出價從原本的6250億日圓,升至6590億 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年01月30日

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