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... 金Pershing Square已持有星巴克約1.1%股份,市值約9億美元(約70.2億港元),因為他對星巴克 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月11日

阿克曼持星巴克股份 市值70億

知名對沖基金經理阿克曼(William Ackman)披露,旗艦公司Pershing Square Capit ...全文


Princeton professor's unexpected windfall from Sheung Wan

... t, or 114 square feet, as sharp-eyed corporate activist and mathematics whiz David Webb noted in his Webb-site Reports. Now an interested party, represented by a Mr. Amos Chan, wants to buy this teeny ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-09

The latest climate science must mobilize us, not paralyze us

... tries per square meter – has had to overcome to preserve its natural beauty. Deforestation for cattle grazing nearly halved the land covered by forest over the four decades prior to 1986. Government i ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-09


... 廣場和Scotts Square商場,物業發展項目如位於內地富陽市的雍景灣,以及持有Hotel Propert ...全文


CE to reveal plans for transitional homes in policy address

... 0 and 300 square feet, the buildings can provide about 400 to 500 units in total, the government has reckoned. Chiu, a member of the Housing Authority’s Subsidised Housing Committee, said the governme ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-04

HK must adapt to changing demands of mainland tourists

... a 420,000 square foot shopping area tailor-made for mainland visitors, has remained almost like a ghost town since the start of the Golden Week. Even some of our high-end and popular shopping location ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-04

What the strong response to Vanke’s Tuen Mun project tells us

... 1,075 per square foot, lower than the level in the secondary market in the neighborhood. The development targets first-time buyers, with flat sizes ranging from small to medium. Each unit costs betwee ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-04

Discovery Bay boat families look for new homes

... rly 2,000 square feet? Their vessels are docked at the yacht club, where all the amenities of modern living – water, electricity, internet connection and other services – are present and no different ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-03

Oct 1 march draws lower turnout, clashes erupt over placard

...  as Civic Square. But a protester with a placard that read “Hong Kong would become China if it doesn't become independent” was prevented from entering by security guards, leading to clashes, RTHK repo ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-02

【環宇搜股】野村籲FANG加S 切尼爾食燃氣差價掘金

... 21.5%。 野村:SQUARE顛覆支付生態 FANG今季表現好壞參半,野村就呼籲注入新血,建議FANG加S, ...全文


Why Vanke's first major project in HK is so special

... 4,541 per square foot. The development is expected to provide a total of 1,154 flats. As the first major project brought by a mainland developer, there are certain unique aspects to Le Pont. First of ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-26

China struggles with Belt and Road pushback

... ome 1,158 square kilometres of disputed territory close to the Central Asian nation’s border with China’s troubled north-western province of Xinjiang. Zambia, following in the footsteps of Sri Lanka t ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-17

Garden House倫敦二級歷史建築售價98萬英鎊起

... n Gardens Square,難得在倫敦市中心能夠享受四季不同變化的優雅景觀。 Garden House位 ...全文


Why Hong Kong is essential platform for Israel diamond industry

... ing 1,100 square meters and 150 polishers. It is due to open in January 2019, during the International Diamond Week. Low-cost competition from India has caused a reduction in polishing in Israel, but ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14

11 killed in Hunan as driver rams car into crowded square

Eleven people were killed and 44 injured after a car plowed into a crowded square in southern China's Hunan province and the driver attacked people with a knife and spade seeking “revenge” on society ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

Foxconn sees Zhuhai as stepping stone to creating own brand

... ea of 139 square kilometers. It has four clusters – software and IC design; internet and mobile internet; smart grid; and bio-pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Its clients include ABB of Switzerlan ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03

Protests erupt in Yemen as prices soar amid currency plunge

...  the main square where a National Bank of Yemen building is located. There were reports of smaller protests in nearby municipalities. One of the organizers said demonstrations and civil disobedience w ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03

海外貨值不足兩成 毛利率冀超30%

... 由Vauxhall Square(沃克斯豪廣場)、Nine Elms Square(鮮花廣場)及London ...全文


內地控網遊量 騰訊插半成

... 訊將與日本遊戲開發商Square Enix聯手開發新遊戲,雙方成立合資公司,一同拓展全球遊戲業務,而騰訊獲授權 ...全文


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