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香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 全方位數碼理財產品及服務 助中小企客戶把握商機

... 工具。去年滙豐亦推出WeChat訊息提示及理財服務,方便外地客戶接收銀行訊息。 滙豐於去年宣布與國際雲端會計公 ...全文


WeChat Pay買麥當勞$25減$10

... 份提供麥當勞優惠後,WeChat Pay HK公布,趁世界盃期間,於本周一(2日)至16日在麥當勞每消費滿25 ...全文



... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


Court photos lady bites immigration officer in HK airport drama

... ed to her WeChat messenger account. Under Hong Kong laws, photography in a courtroom is prohibited, and such activity could constitute a serious offense. Following the sentencing on June 4, Tang was d ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29

Should you invest in Meituan-Dianping?

... lipay and WeChat Pay. As Alibaba uses various fronts such as Ele.me to capture the online services market, Meituan could find itself burning more cash to defend its market share, denting the bottom li ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-26


... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


傳承不如拆局 壯大務必稱王

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


One Bus set to offer daily HK-Macau services using mega bridge

... pple Pay, WeChat Pay and Macau Pass. The company expects a load factor of 80 to 85 percent during the initial period, with a daily capacity of 2,014 passengers. This could rise to 10,000 passengers if ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-15

Police step up fight on illegal sports betting during World Cup

... atsApp or WeChat at 6606 3933. – Contact us at [email protected] KN/JC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

Why Octopus Cards needs new business initiatives

... lipay and WeChat Pay at bay. CEO Sunny Cheung has told the Hong Kong Economic Journal that his firm is seeking partnerships with international payment firms so as to allow its card users to settle the ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

世界盃睇波樂 賭外圍債纏身

... 用WhatsApp、WeChat等社交應用程式接受投注,又接受支付寶等付款途徑,大增執法難度。為打擊非法賭博, ...全文


Octopus seeks global partners to tap online shopping market

China's mobile payment giants Alipay and WeChat Pay are stepping up their efforts to break the Octopus Card's longtime dominance of the electronics payments market in Hong Kong. But Octopus Cards Limi ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

「拆局造王」 序幕

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


A North Pole delivery is faster than Octopus customer service

... lipay and WeChat Pay. And, as I have found out, Octopus still has a lot of room left to improve its customer service. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

Tencent to create WeChat ID system for Greater Bay Area travel

Internet giant Tencent Holdings is working with the Chinese government to build an electronic pass system, involving the WeChat platform, for travelers in the so-called Greater Bay Area. The plan is a ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

政軍貿科 環迴互扣

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


唐琳玲:不管是否曾拍照 對法庭非常尊重

... 問到案發時是否曾使用wechat,她並無正面回應,反說其個人私隱、包括手機及信用卡等遭不斷侵犯,又說可能聽審前 ...全文


Chinese firms and their rising brand values

... lipay and WeChat Pay operations. The Chinese tech behemoths are sitting along with Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Visa, McDonald's and AT&T to round up the world's top 10 brands. Look ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-01

唐琳玲坦承拍照 否認藐視法庭

... 手機拍照,及在微信(WeChat)上載兩張照片。警方其後在她手機找到至少3張相關照片,清楚拍到被告、控辯雙方律 ...全文


Why Pony Ma had to step in and scrap a small investment deal

... ts public WeChat channel. As suggested by the name, Chaping typically looks at the negative side of a product. Estimated to have several million followers, Chaping has already completed three rounds o ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-29

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