中國宏橋(01378)公布,動用100億元人民幣(約112.7億港元)增持深圳A股公司魯豐環保科技(00237 ...全文
... 行股造好;他把滙控及中國宏橋(01378)加入首選股名單,並稱避開加息敏感股,將是年底前策略。 恒指公司宣布季 ...全文
China Hongqiao Group Ltd. (01378.HK) is setting aside up to 15 billion yuan (US$2.3 billion) this year in anticipation of growing demand for aluminum products, chief executive Zhang Bo said. The compa ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-15
... 不要期待有大茶飯。 中國宏橋(01378),這間從事產銷鋁產品公司,面對鋁價下跌及滙兌產生虧損壓力下,公司早前 ...全文
股市分析有好有淡,港股周一受A股熔斷停市影響,拖累恒指大跌587點,昨天早段受惠內地「國家隊」入市護盤,恒指一 ...全文
Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. (Chalco) (02600.HK, 601600.CN) is heading towards a second straight year of loss unless it manages a surprise turnaround in the fourth quarter. The country’s largest nonfe ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-10