... y, CEO of Amazon Web Services, and Safra Catz, CEO of Oracle Corp. China research ties Part of the commission’s report addressed whether the United States should restrict American cooperation with Chi ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-05
... erest和亞馬遜(Amazon)等網絡平台正後來居上,第三季廣告業務增速較兩個霸主更快。 大增五成 fb僅升 ...全文
... 6月關閉美國外賣服務Amazon Restaurants,據報Postmates亦考慮推遲上市計劃。 Grub ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月01日
... ibra又難關重重;Amazon最新季度盈利急降,且遠遜預期,何況自創辦人貝索斯離婚分家後,公司業務發展會否受 ...全文
... ibra又難關重重;Amazon最新季度盈利急降,且遠遜預期,何況自創辦人貝索斯離婚分家後,公司業務發展會否受 ...全文
If Amazon.com decides to fight the Pentagon’s decision to award a highly contested US$10 billion cloud computing contract to Microsoft, it could act as early as next week. A challenge to the Defense D ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-29
... uTube和亞馬遜(Amazon)的不少員工都跳槽至抖音。 數據顯示,抖音在全球的下載量達到12億次,在美國的 ...全文
隨着季度盈利屢創新高的氣勢戛然而止,亞馬遜(Amazon)又回到投資模式。投資者需要為即將進入的崎嶇路途做好準 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月29日
Microsoft Corp. has won the Pentagon’s US$10 billion cloud computing contract, beating out favorite Amazon.com Inc., Reuters reports. The contracting process had long been mired in conflict of interes ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-28
美國最大零售網商亞馬遜(Amazon)第三季純利按年下跌26%,報21.34億美元(約166.45億港元),為 ...全文
E-commerce giant Amazon on Thursday forecast revenue and profit for the holiday quarter that fell short of market expectations, as the company faces rising costs from its plan to speed up delivery tim ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-25
E-commerce and tech giant Amazon announced on Wednesday that it has acquired healthcare startup Health Navigator, marking its second purchase in the healthcare services industry. The deal comes after ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-24
美國電商巨頭亞馬遜(Amazon),兩年前收購全食超市(Whole Foods)後,一直開拓新鮮食品市場,讓消 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月22日
... as Apple, Amazon and Disney into the online streaming business. Content quality is a major selling point for Netflix, but when these new formidable rivals are all burning cash to boost their offerings ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-21
... .1億美元;亞馬遜(Amazon)以1252.6億美元排第三;第四位為微軟,品牌價值1088.5億美元。可口可 ...全文