
共 1385 個結果
頁數:1...45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ...70

China's foreign reserves not enough to defend renminbi

... t allow a sharp devaluation of the currency, because that will lead to increasing capital outflows. Moreover, as the International Monetary Fund has decided to add the renminbi to its special drawing ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27

Why the outlook for oil prices remains grim

An unusual cold wave sweeping across many parts of Asia and North America helped oil prices stage a sharp bounce on global markets last week. The rebound may have also stemmed from perceptions that th ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-26

Migrant workers in China are going home and may stay there

... s and the sharp income disparity between rural and urban areas. Returning migrants tend to be more worldly and wealthy than when they left, as well as more entrepreneurial, Minter wrote. The number of ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-26

How the cold weather has exposed Leung govt's shortcomings

... ents drew sharp criticism, with netizens accusing Leung of playing politics on the back of homeless people. There is also suspicion that the visit to the cold shelter was a publicity stunt, with Leung ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

Snakeheads driving sharp rise in fake asylum seekers

Middlemen are enticing people from South Asia and Southeast Asia to come to Hong Kong as refugees with promises of housing and jobs. They are mainly responsible for a sharp increase in fake asylum see ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

HK housing market reaches critical point

... ve posted sharp falls. Even some blue-chip housing estates like Cityplaza have gone through deep corrections. Meanwhile, the price ratio between large flats and small and medium-sized units has starte ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-23

富智康發盈喜 去年多賺三成

... 公司鴻海擬收購聲寶(Sharp)交易或受阻,外電引述消息指出,Sharp傾向接受日本政府出資的日本產業革新機構 ...全文


Why speculators are targeting the Hong Kong dollar, not the yuan

The signs are there -- an A-share market meltdown, a sharp renminbi devaluation, turmoil in the Hong Kong stock market and a falling Hong Kong dollar.  So, are we seeing a replay of the 1997-1998 Asia ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

Why we like to live in Taiwan and Macau but not China

... anks to a sharp drop in arrivals from the mainland. That puts the casino city back to where it was in the pre-casino deregulation era. Walking past the almost empty Grand Lisboa baccarat tables and sl ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

Foxconn said to have made US$5.3 bln offer for Sharp

Taiwan's Foxconn group has made a 625 billion yen (US$5.3 billion) offer to acquire Japan's Sharp Corporation, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Sharp is expect ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

日政商截擊 金額僅及半

過去幾年來不時出現台灣鴻海欲收購日本聲寶(Sharp)的傳聞,昨日再現變數,據報鴻海出價至少6000億日圓(約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月22日


... 神或健康上都好好……sharp過以前!」   ...全文


Why the USD currency link is still the best option for HK

... wards its sharpest slowdown in a decade on the back of rising US interest rates and a strong US dollar. Some hedge funds are taking bets again on Hong Kong breaking the currency link in order to salva ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-20

Iran boosts oil output as foreign firms jockey for deals

Foreign firms are scrambling for deals with Iran as the Gulf nation ordered a sharp increase in oil output to take immediate advantage of the lifting of international sanctions. Other companies, howev ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19


... 的傲慢和貴格、尖銳(sharp)得來帶「刺」(bite),罵人和貶損人時不用像廣東話般大聲叱喝,仍然「鋒利」十 ...全文


China needs to extend easing measures to support growth

... enminbi’s sharp devaluation also shocked global markets. Although the central government managed to control the onshore renminbi exchange rate, the spread of rates between that and the offshore exchan ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

How HK SMEs can fit into Poland's plan to crack China market

... cted in a sharp increase in the number of Polish participants in a recent HKTDC Food Expo. “Hong Kong has been the gateway to the Chinese market for our food industry,” said Lucjan Zwolak, deputy pres ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

What a world reserve currency status for the yuan really means

... ng posted sharp decline at one point last year. New issuances of dim sum bonds have almost stopped. Offshore yuan lending has contracted. These developments in the offshore renminbi market are reminis ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-16

Here's what it takes to ease depreciation pressure on the yuan

...  inducing sharp fluctuations in the region's currency markets. Offshore yuan tumbled to 6.75 against the US dollar, down 2.77 percent from the year before. The price spread between the onshore and of ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

Foreclosures seen hitting 10,000 this year amid falling prices

Banks are selling foreclosed properties at a sharp discount amid falling home prices. Hong Kong could see up to 10,000 foreclosures this year in a worst-case scenario, the Hong Kong Economic Journal r ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

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