... a spouse visa to one of the partners was because, as international companies, they saw how damaging this was to their ability to recruit talented people. Also, they were keen to publicly demonstrate ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-13
... t,發卡牌照於年初被VISA暫停,此事令TenX要一切重來。最新消息是TenX已取得Bank Identifi ...全文
... pendent's visa for her partner. According to a survey conducted by the HKU Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL) last year, 50.4 percent of the respondents said same-sex couples should be allow ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-04
The Court of Final Appeal ruled on Wednesday that a British lesbian should be granted a spousal visa, upholding a lower court’s decision, in a landmark judgment that could open the door for expatriate ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-04
... 其追客,不如養客。 Visa卡提供的報告數字顯示全球合共有六成以上的信用卡消費,都在互聯網上進行,電商固然勢不 ...全文
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,Visa與Mastercard就商戶支付刷卡費用涉違反壟斷的訴訟接近達成和解協議 ...全文
... .99%,升幅僅次於VISA的2.1%,是兩隻表現最好的成分股;油市憂慮伊朗及利比亞原油出口前景未明朗,紐約期 ...全文
... are given visa waiver by Kuala Lumpur, which enables North Korean foreign workers (or other North Koreans posing as workers) to enter the country and move around freely. In 1975, Singapore established ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-26
... 上,金融股美國運通和VISA都升約0.6%,亞馬遜則跌0.8%。 外圍焦點簡訊 ■ 美國6月Markit製造業 ...全文
... %;金融股美國運通和VISA都升約0.6%,不過,高盛和摩根大通分別回落0.4%及1.6%。標指收升0.19% ...全文
... 普遍向上,美國運通及VISA都升約0.7%,高盛上揚0.2%,但摩根大通回落0.6%。 美國聯邦儲備理事會公布 ...全文
... %;金融股美國運通和VISA都升約0.6%,不過,高盛和摩根大通分別回落0.4%及1.6%。標指收升0.19% ...全文
... ion. With visas taking time to process, and port-issued single-entry visas slow to get and expensive, or not available for certain nationalities, the extra layer of red tape adds to the obstacles. For ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-22
... 行戶口,或任何銀行的Visa或MasterCard信用卡進行增值,亦可混合兩種增值渠道使用。利用滙豐銀行戶口增 ...全文
... 球最大支付系統營運商Visa有提交資格預審(pre-qualification)申請,並有興趣參與。Visa香 ...全文
Visa表示,提交了港鐵(00066)的二維碼收費系統方案的計劃書的資格預審申請,並在建議書闡述其運輸支付經驗 ...全文
... a travel visa to Hong Kong is easy to obtain. We have a large number of translators in the city, and there are large venues, like the Hong Kong Coliseum and the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Ce ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-15
... Retiree's Visa)等。考慮到全球對醫療和老年護理需求日增,這些國家同時開發保健旅遊和醫療旅遊,為長 ...全文
... Donald's, Visa and Adidas to fight for the attention of millions of football fans. It will be a sort of an international debut for these Chinese brands, especially in the case of Yadea, which not too ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-12
... 展亦很順利,其後轉職Visa。 張耀堂在八達通的發展令人津津樂道,兩度出任八達通行政總裁至今。 處理違規賣資料 ...全文