期待已久的中美首階段貿易協議終簽字了,市場當好消息炒。不過,從整個博弈格局而言,中國焗買外貨,跟百幾年前的鴉片 ...全文
Iran said on Tuesday that it has arrested people accused of a role in shooting down a Ukrainian airliner that killed all 176 people aboard last week. President Hassan Rouhani, in address Tuesday, prom ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-15
「當一切看起來,悉數無濟於事時,我去看一個石匠敲石頭,他連敲100次,石頭仍然紋風不動。但當他敲101次時,石 ...全文
Protesters took to the streets of Iran to denounce the country’s clerical rulers and riot police deployed to face them in a third day of demonstrations on Monday after authorities acknowledged shootin ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-14
九毛九控股(09922)於2016至2018年,及2019年首半年,歸屬於權益持有人應佔盈利分別為5499萬、 ...全文
海底撈(06862)市值超過千億元,前年招股價為17.8元,按上周中股價約33.15元計,升幅約86%,16個 ...全文
Iran said on Saturday its military had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane killing all 176 aboard, saying air defenses were fired in error while on high alert in the tense aftermath of Iranian miss ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-11
旅發局新年搞倒數抽獎,結果一如市場預期造成網絡大混亂,淪為眾人笑柄。其實搞活動出現蝦碌情況並不出奇,問題只是當 ...全文
蘋果公司最大市場仍然是美洲,在五大市場佔比、2019及2018年度收入增長率分別為45%、+4%、+16%、歐 ...全文
踏入2020年,對投資者來說最重要是繼續尋寶,今年市場對5G概念、科技及受惠經濟復甦概念等企業有期望,當中蘋果 ...全文
甫未過年,股市已見回調。的確,過年前的美股、港股乃至A股皆短線升勢過急,不是到通道頂就是達下降軌,即使所炒的消 ...全文