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... 擇,更送贈一年免費的Amazon FreeTime Unlimited訂閱服務, 以及兩年免費更換保養維修服務 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月09日

Datadog口碑取勝 上市省靚招牌

... 大力宣傳旗下雲端平台Amazon Web Services提供廣泛的分析服務。Datadog勝在用戶口碑一流, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月03日


... C負責fb和亞馬遜(Amazon),司法部負責Google和蘋果。不過,知情人士指出,巴爾決定把fb也納入司法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月27日


... ,轉任非執行主席,由Amazon前副總裁、擅長管控成本的Sebastian Gunningham接掌首席執行官 ...全文


The rise and fall of Thomas Cook

... just like Amazon or Google has been in the tech world in recent decades. Sensing that people were curious to see the world, Cook established a travel agency in 1841 with his own name as the brand. He ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-26

Amazon working on facial recognition regulation: Bezos

Amazon's public policy team is working on proposed regulations around facial recognition, Chief Executive Jeff Bezos said on Wednesday. “Our public policy team is actually working on facial recognitio ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-26


美國網購巨頭亞馬遜(Amazon)近日夥拍華盛頓州的Oasis Medical集團,低調推出一項醫療試點服務。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月26日

Amazon launches initiative to bundle virtual assistants

Amazon has launched an initiative that would allow users to access its Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and multiple other voice-controlled virtual assistant services from a single device, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

Amazon buys cloud startup INLT to help merchants import goods

Amazon.com Inc. has bought technology startup INLT for an undisclosed amount, the company told Reuters on Tuesday, in a transaction that will help merchants on its online marketplace more easily impor ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25


... ,可形容為十九世紀的Amazon或Google。至於該集團之衰落,原因人所共見,在於未能緊隨時勢轉變。 184 ...全文


Amazon fires: collateral damage of the Sino-US trade war

By Wong Kin-ming   The Amazon wildfires have become front-page news across the globe in recent weeks. While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been blamed for encouraging local farmers to clear ra ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23


... ogle)、亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果(Apple)等作反壟斷調查,相信對這些大型科技股的股價造成壓力。 執 ...全文



... 美國科技巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)行政總裁貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)周四揚言,該公司將在2040年前做到碳 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月21日

負債息下 尋價值高息股

... ogle)、亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果(Apple)等作反壟斷調查,相信對這些大型科技股的股價造成壓力。 公 ...全文


Amazon vows to be carbon neutral by 2040

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos pledged to make the e-commerce behemoth net carbon neutral by 2040, responding to growing concerns around the world about climate change. “We know we can do it and we ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20

Who will benefit from innovative technologies?

... s such as Amazon and Google, according to Yang. Amazon enjoys tax concessions, but it is estimated that the e-commerce giant has snatched 30 percent of the business of shopping malls. As such, it shou ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-19

亞馬遜小試牛刀 推高清音樂服務

... 推出高清串流音樂服務Amazon Music HD。 亞馬遜的投資「立立雜雜」,業務間缺乏關聯,多年來遭淘汰的 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月19日


... 國最強勢重磅股,更勝Amazon和Google。除因全球銷售表現佳,亦由於市場看好老麥的科技轉型前景,該快餐集 ...全文


Apple says EU tax order 'defies reality and common sense'

... t, Engie, Amazon and others. Apple’s chief financial officer Luca Maestri led a six-strong delegation to the court where a panel of five judges will hear arguments over two days. “The commission conte ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18


... ebook和亞馬遜(Amazon)等,因認為他們過於龐大、強大。民主黨明年總統參選人之一、參議員沃倫(Eliz ...全文


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