... 全球最大運動鞋製造商Nike也放棄之前抗拒的態度,與亞馬遜達成銷售夥伴協議。 根據Instinet的數據,亞馬 ...全文
... and now a Nike Running Club head coach, has been running for two decades since his secondary school years. "When I was a student, I would carry an MTR storage card and a HK$20 note with me every time ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-30
... ales with Nike Inc., Xiaomi Corp. and Uniqlo Co. among the biggest winners. "We want to make Singles’ Day a more global event," Zhang told Bloomberg in an interview in Shanghai. "We could take the gal ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-13
... 避於其他地方交稅。 Nike同涉走法律罅 報道稱,蘋果2013年公開表示已補交在愛爾蘭的欠稅後有所動作,201 ...全文
... 其明確偏好的產品,如Nike和Converse可鼓勵買家設計屬於他們自己的獨一無二的鞋履,歐萊雅(L'Oréa ...全文
今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Jeffrey Looby Michael Neft2017年10月18日
... 與最受注目,因為它是Nike、Lululemon和Under Armour(UA)等知名運動服飾品牌的供應商, ...全文
... think of Nike and Converse inspiring buyers to design their own unique footwear, L’Oréal blending makeup to match a particular skin tone, Modern Tailor or Proper Cloth making a custom shirt to measur ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-28
... 予小眾客戶,巿值卻比Nike(880億美元)、Starbucks(780億美元)還要大,是這次IT狂潮中的最大 ...全文
... 。音樂節主席瓦格納(Nike Wagner)說,以《給遙遠的愛人》為主題,或令許多人吃驚,我們處於政治和傳媒的 ...全文
... 路線部分是為勢所需,Nike等供應商希望在購物體驗方面,有更多控制權。Sports Direct面前的工作堆積 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月07日
... itched to Nike and Adidas workout clothing in recent months. Indeed, the share price of Under Armour has slumped 58 percent over past 12 months as it has been losing market share to its two bigger riv ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-05