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Can Qatar turn the tables on Saudi Arabia?

... ull off a swift victory, thereby allowing Qatar to buy time and organize counter measures, Riyadh might in the end sustain as much losses as Doha in this crisis. This article appeared in the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-16

福布斯吸金名人榜 成龍3.8億排第39

... 小天后Taylor Swift,今年跌至第49位。   ...全文


Taylor Swift回歸Spotify

美國樂壇小天后Taylor Swift【圖】的作品回歸主流串流音樂平台,當中包括與她鬧翻的Spotify,結束 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年06月10日


... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)報告顯示,4月全球人民幣支付額按月下挫24.24%,期內所有支付貨幣的支付額跌 ...全文


Ariana心碎難過 眾星致哀

... 小天后Taylor Swift表示,為受慘案影響的人哀悼、禱告及流淚。與Ariana年紀相若的美國人氣女歌手S ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月24日

網攻「軍火」 黑客揚言下月有售

... 的新漏洞;更多央行與SWIFT全球轉賬平台提供者的入侵數據;針對中國、俄羅斯、伊朗與北韓的導彈及核武計劃的入侵 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月18日

Hacking group threatens to sell code, adding to cyber worries

... using the SWIFT international money transfer network and from Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean nuclear and missile programs, Reuters reported. The spread of WannaCry -- which encrypts a user' ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-17

黑客組織揚言 公開更多工具

... 組織又稱,會公開使用SWIFT全球轉賬平台的銀行資料,以及關於中國、俄羅斯、伊朗或北韓核計劃的資料,但沒有透露 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月17日

China property resale market cools but broad falls seen unlikely

... troduced "swift and intensive" tightening measures in many cities. But it's extremely unlikely for prices to fall "across the board" in future, the think-tank said, adding that some cities with low in ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-16


... 方世界制裁的國家繞過SWIFT等國際支付系統轉移資金提供了可能性。從這個角度想,俄羅斯樂於增強比特幣認受性,背 ...全文



... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)報告顯示,人民幣在國際支付中的使用佔比由去年3月的2%,下跌至今年3月的1.8 ...全文



環球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)報告顯示,3月人民幣在國際支付中的使用佔比下跌至1.78%,2月份為1.84 ...全文


鋼琴神童 成熟專注

... e以及Taylor Swift等。 這位神童的天分在很早期就已經被發掘,1994年生於美國伊利諾伊州厄巴納,父 ...全文


Singapore, HK reaffirm ties after military vehicles seizure saga

... xpected a swift conclusion to the crisis, yet the Terrex carriers ended up spending almost three months in a depot in Tuen Mun. During the time, it was rumored that experts from the Hong Kong Garrison ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-19

Venezuela's Maduro called 'dictator' after Congress annulled

... There was swift and widespread international condemnation of the de facto annulment of the National Assembly, where the opposition won a majority in late 2015 amid an unprecedented economic crisis tha ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-31

US preparing cases linking North Korea to theft at NY Fed: WSJ

...  used the SWIFT messaging network to request nearly US$1 billion from its account at the New York Fed. The branch of the US central bank rejected most of the requests but filled some of them, resultin ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-23

Apple unveils updated iPad with lowest-ever price

...  said its Swift Playgrounds iPad app, which helps students learn to code, is available in five additional languages: Japanese, French, German, Spanish and simplified Chinese, Bloomberg said. -- Contac ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22

親述父被殺 獲神秘組織保護

... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)昨稱,已停止向受聯合國制裁的所有北韓銀行提供金融服務。 《華爾街日報》報道,伊 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global刺殺陰謀2017年03月09日

Cyber-lynching has no place in Hong Kong

... tform for swift but often unfair litigations and judgments. Because of social media, defendants in high-profile lawsuits, and even ordinary individuals, are sometimes subjected to public trials on the ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-08

提名被吹雞 投票靜靜雞

... 近年稱這類攻擊手法為Swiftboating。此字源於2004年民主黨總統候選人、越戰英雄克里(John Ke ...全文


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