... uche-Tard(ACT)提出的收購建議,據《日經新報》報道,涉及金額至少5萬億日圓(約2675.4億港元) ...全文
... d Science Act)向美國商務部申請資助,日前正式獲得批准。 得州儀器承諾,3間晶片廠的投資額合共不少 ...全文
... 片法》(Chips Act),向德州儀器提供16億美元資助和30億美元貸款,以助該公司分別在猶他州和得州興建一 ...全文
... Reduction Act),預計推行首年可為美國長者節省15億美元,也可節省60億美元聯邦醫療保險(Medi ...全文
... several factors – the inspiring message of Master Cheng Yen: tens of thousands of volunteers, in Taiwan and abroad, who give their time, energy and skills without pay: and a sophisticated system of f ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-14
... 片法》(Chips Act),總共提供逾4000億美元稅務優惠、貸款和撥款,以推動本地潔淨技術和半導體供應鏈發 ...全文
... nt Canada Act),正式下令對交易進行國安審查。 Jinteng在7月下旬入稟法院,指商鵬飛無權引用 ...全文
To “call out” injustice – the explicit, unabashed, and vigorous confrontation of injustice, underpinned by the conviction of speaking truth to power – is a practice that first gained considerable conc ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-07
... genocidal acts” against the Palestinians in Gaza. That Hanyieh’s killing was a very serious provocation is all too obvious. It demonstrated that Netanyahu’s government means what it says with its vow ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-06
... Services Act,DSA)於2月正式生效後,歐盟委員會首次利用法例賦予的權限,調查互聯網平台是否合規 ...全文
... ollective action logic. Consider the almost too-obvious-in-retrospect attempts to cover up and dismiss allegations and criticisms of Joe Biden’s being too frail to run for a second term – up until tha ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-01
... Reduction Act)及《晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act),會延續至下屆政 ...全文
... tically fractious world. Each and every interview I see as an invaluable learning opportunity: one that has enabled me to grow, mature, and harness my intellectual capacities in asking questions that ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-19
... istration Act)、受賄和妨礙司法公正等,曼哈頓聯邦法院周二宣布16項罪名全部成立,是首名因非法擔任 ...全文
... Industry Act)是曾經邁出的良好第一步,但由於缺乏美國和中國對應法律的雄心和資源,歐盟在關鍵領域面 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2024年07月17日