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傳兩私募基金聯手 1248億購賽門鐵克

《華爾街日報》引述消息人士報道,Permira和Advent International兩家私募基金公司聯手向 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月09日

兩私募基金傳洽購賽門鐵克 涉資1248億

... 基金Permira與Advent提出的收購建議,涉及金額逾160億美元(1248億港元)。 根據報道,Perm ...全文


Governance of artificial intelligence

... tury. The advent of smart devices and 5G will lead to a bigger digital ecosystem. But these digital resources and AI technology may also create various moral and legal issues, as we human beings cede ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06

Strengthening urban resilience to natural disasters

... efore the advent of the typhoon season, the Common Operational Picture (COP) was established. This map-sensitive digital platform collects information on emergencies, and helps the Emergency Monitorin ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-24

America’s bipartisan climate-policy failure

... ed by the advent of hydraulic fracturing (or fracking). The fact is that neither major party in the United States has been the climate champion that the country – and the world – needs. While young ac ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-24


... 0%權益售予私募基金Advent International,交易帶來48億美元稅前虧損。 此前,沃爾瑪已與美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月22日

Live Captions, 5G likely to drive faster Android Q adoption

... l see the advent of 5G technology, and Android Q is a mobile operating system that can truly support 5G networks. Qualcomm has announced a collaboration with Google to enhance Android Q’s developer ap ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-09

Is Google serious about its smartphone business?

... ward. The advent of the 5G era and the launch of the foldable phone indicate that the business is going through a new phase of innovation, and Android will play a big part in it. Does that mean Google ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-07

Overly aggressive practices fuel collapse of China P2P platforms

... ally. The advent of internet has taken P2P lending to the next level. But the boom comes at a price. With such platforms mushrooming across China, competition has become cutthroat. Responding to incre ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-09

武田傳洽售拉美業務 巴西多間藥廠感興趣

... 廠,以及私募基金公司Advent International參與競投。 Advent、Ache、EMS、Eur ...全文


Globalization needs an upgraded operating system

... ange; the advent of a multipolar world order; and an explosion of social discontent, fueled largely by rising inequality. Taken together, these developments represent a new phase of globalization – Gl ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-04


... ,收購公司安宏資本(Advent International)和一些中國投資基金,也在權衡提出收購文思海輝。一 ...全文


Five stages of big data development

... ks to the advent of the internet and smartphones. This has enabled many internet and online marketing firms to gain first-mover advantage. Despite the overwhelming amounts of data, applications have b ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-14

What will Trump's next move be on Chinese telecoms?

...  With the advent of 5G era, it is clear that the one who controls technology and big data will be the most influential. From trade war to technology war, and the arrest of Huawei’s CFO, all this essen ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

Time for common sense in online streaming

The advent of streaming online was a godsend for many DJs and Hong Kong joined the worldwide craze over the last two years. While stations are still going strong in the city – Hong Kong Community Radi ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-04


路透引述3名消息人士稱,私募基金Cinven與Advent正聯手洽購雀巢(Nestle)的皮膚護理業務,涉及金 ...全文


HTC brings virtual reality theme park to Hong Kong

... , and the advent of 5G mobile technology would speed up the pace of this integration.  She also revealed that her company will launch its 5G smartphone in the second half this year, which would bring ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-17

Building a healthier Hong Kong with big data

...  With the advent of artificial intelligence and big data technology, crunching enormous data has become feasible. By analyzing the data, we can establish links among seemingly disparate and irrelevant ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-14

Harnessing the digital revolution for sustainable development

... ether the advent of more and cheaper data, together with faster analytics, results in financing decisions that take greater account of today’s social and environmental costs. Fintech can place citizen ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

We are really just beginning to understand AI

...  with the advent of the internet, mobile network, cloud computing and big data. It is becoming more difficult to ensure data security and quality because of the huge volume of data involved, plus its ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-12

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