跨國人力資源管理顧問機構ECA調查顯示,在最適宜亞洲外派員工居住城市排名中,香港今年名次急降並跌出前40位,主 ...全文
人力資源顧問機構ECA International最新調查報告顯示,香港在最適宜外派員工居住地點的排名下跌12 ...全文
我們天天在香港工作或許沒有察覺環境變化,原來在外國機構眼中,香港已變得愈來愈不適合外派員工居住!人力資源管理顧 ...全文
人力資源管理顧問機構ECA International公布最新調查,指出本港再次成為亞洲租金最昂貴的城市。 E ...全文
過去數年,內地社會日漸富庶。家庭傭工月薪由10年前的800元人民幣,至今已飆升至每月6000至8000元人民幣 ...全文
過去數年,內地社會日漸富庶。家庭傭工月薪由10年前的800元人民幣,至今已飆升至每月6000至8000元人民幣 ...全文
今日信報理財投資市場觀點Charlie Awdry2017年02月20日
有環球人力資源管理顧問機構調查顯示,受酒店房價高企影響,海外僱員來港公幹的支出,冠絕全亞太區,每人每日使費接近 ...全文
Hong Kong has become the world's 9th most expensive location for expatriates and the third costliest city in Asia, according to ECA International's latest Cost of Living survey. Overall, the city has ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-11
With all the expats partying down in Lan Kwai Fong (and Wan Chai for the degenerates), you’d think they’d be a happy bunch. But although many make more than US$250,000 a year, expats in Hong Kong have ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-26
As an academic year ends and a bunch of fresh graduates enter the job market in Hong Kong, there is a significant change in the attitude of the youth on the prospect of working in the mainland. A surv ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-27