... he wealth gap in Britain.” These banks give free food to those who do not have enough money to buy it. At the end of March, the Trussell Trust, the largest of these banks with 1,300 outlets, said that ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-13
... he wealth gap in Britain." These banks give free food t ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日
... close the gap between current measures to combat climate change and what must be done to meet our agreed global goal of less than 2°C. If temperatures rise by 2-3°C, the Greenland and West Antarctic I ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-30
內地青年失業率超過20%,部分人透過「刻意考試肥佬」、「做全職兒女」等方式,自製gap year,待明年再搵工 ...全文
... 以寶尊品牌管理業務的Gap最具增長潛力。寶尊電商自今年2月完成收購Gap大中華區業務及併表後,通過品牌重塑、整 ...全文
午市直擊 -港股食瀉藥?Gap Down跌到無影 藥明遭掉貨 預期有幾令人失望? 嘉賓: 連敬涵主持: 胡瀞詩 ...
信報視頻EJ Markets2023年06月21日
港股食瀉藥?Gap Down跌到無影,藥明(02269)遭掉貨,預期有幾令人失望? 嘉賓:連敬涵主持:Cec ...全文
The gap between the resources needed to achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 and the resources that are available currently amounts to trillions of dollars – and is still growing. As many ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-19
... fill the gap when banks are unwilling to lend. The second is that high-yield companies are generally in better shape because they refinanced extensively in 2021, providing them breathing space until ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-12
... But this gap may offer a valuable opportunity for China. The Chinese PE/VC market is clearly underdeveloped. With China accounting for 18% of global GDP, there is considerable potential for Chinese P ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-02
... its tech gap with the West, will leverage its dominant role in producing and refining rare-earths metals – which are crucial for the green transition – to retaliate against the US sanctions and trade ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-01
... from the gap between the current water prices and the market-clearing price, which is a form of subsidy, the US government has funded the construction and maintenance of the Hoover Dam and other crit ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-30
... 中國指數彈2.9%。Gap上季錄虧損及收入下滑,但邊際利潤改善,股價揚12.5%;輝達續漲2.5%,英特爾彈5 ...全文
... 投資評級 服裝零售商Gap上季雖錄得虧損及收入下滑,但邊際利潤改善,帶動股價揚升12.5%;晶片商Marvel ...全文
美國服裝品牌Gap截至4月29日止首季度蝕1800萬美元(約1.4億港元),但經調整後每股盈利1美仙,較預期虧 ...全文
... 投資評級 服裝零售商Gap上季雖錄虧損及收入下滑,但邊際利潤改善,帶動股價揚升12.5%;晶片商Marvell ...全文
... 任期屆滿的米萊。■ Gap首季虧損按年縮窄至1800萬美元,收入跌6%,略遜預期。■ Best Buy首季盈利 ...全文
... tion, the gap between rich and poor was widening and the country’s wealth was not being shared fairly. A poll published in January found that, in a three-horse race, Gou would win 34 per cent, Lai 25 ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-09