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... 地圖等服務,藉此保護Kakao等本地對手。在官方地圖上,敏感設施都已經過處理,用家難以看清楚。南韓當局回應稱, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年05月18日

Alibaba, Tencent clash in Korea internet banking

... ng leader Kakao Corp and telecoms giant KT Corp, who were among three applicants for a first-ever round of Internet bank license awards handed out by Seoul. Tencent was part of the KT Corp-led consort ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-01


南韓金融委員會前天宣布初步批准兩間分別由南韓電訊巨擘KT和即時通訊軟件KakaoTalk母公司Kakao Co ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月01日

KakaoTalk chat app boss quits after child porn row

South Korea's most popular chat app says its co-founder has resigned after being accused of failing to prevent child abuse imagery being spread via the service. Kakao Corp. said Lee Seok-woo was charg ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12


南韓最大移動通訊應用程式營運商Kakao宣布,與騰訊(00700)及eBay聯手競投南韓互聯網銀行牌照,騰訊和 ...全文


Dad texts teen who died in Korea ferry sinking, gets reply

Nearly a year after losing his young son in one of South Korea's worst ferry disasters, a man wrote to the boy's Kakao Talk mobile messaging account. He got a reply and began a conversation. When soci ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-13

Tencent buys into S Korean mobile-games firm, WSJ says

... h Korea's Kakao Corp., the maker of the country's dominant mobile-messaging app, KakaoTalk, it said. -- Contact HKEJ [email protected] SK ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-27

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