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新MacBook Pro加價四成 Touch Bar反應欠佳

蘋果周四發布新一代手提電腦MacBook Pro,最主要的改變是新設了觸控功能鍵Touch Bar,以及配備指 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月29日

新MacBook Pro下周亮相

科技新聞網站Recode引述消息報道,蘋果公司下周四(27日)將舉行發布會,介紹新一代MacBook Pro, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月20日


港股連升4個交易日之後,昨日(7日)未能延續升勢,全日走勢牛皮偏軟。恒指最多跌92點,收市報23741點,跌4 ...全文


Rich dad's son seeks to restore old glory of restaurant business

What would you do if you have a super-rich dad? Some would probably throw lavish parties every so often or invite friends to their private jets for trips to exclusive resorts.  Wang Si-cong, the only ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-06

Help your kid's school and travel to exotic places

Pity our schools. Most people think they're making truckloads of money by breaking the backs of their students' hard-working parents, but truth to tell, they need more income to sustain their operatio ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-20

What does Shenzhen have to do with Intel’s future?

A number of family-operated small factories in Shenzhen are getting big-company treatment from United States chipmaker Intel. These factories make keyboards, adaptors and other accessories that go int ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-18

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