美國國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)周二發表初步調查報告稱,5月8日在佛羅里達州發生致命事故的特斯拉(Tesla ...全文
... 報告任何可疑行為。 NTSB查Model S自燃 CNBC報道,馬斯克周日晚向全員工去信,稱有一名員工對公司營 ...全文
... said. The NTSB said in a preliminary report the 38-year-old driver, who died in the hospital shortly after the crash, had been given two visual alerts and one auditory alert to place his hands on the ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-08
美國公路安全局(NTSB)發表初步報告,指出3月在亞里桑那導致一名行人死亡時,召車軟件商Uber當時關閉了涉事 ...全文
... 國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)昨天就此發表初步報告,強烈質疑Uber自駕技術有問題。 系統煞車失效 報告指出, ...全文
... aged. The NTSB said last week it was investigating a Tesla accident in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on May 8 that killed two teenagers and injured another – the agency’s fourth active probe into crashes ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-15
... 美國國家運輸安全局(NTSB)的主要聯絡人,負責就公司旗下產品牽涉的交通意外與當局聯繫,被視為該公司的安全事務 ...全文
... 國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)稱,初步發現出事引擎有金屬疲勞跡象,其中一個扇葉脫落未能尋回。 窗口被毀 險成高 ...全文
... 國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)主席Robert Sumwalt在記者會上表示,目前歸類事故是「機械故障」,仍不 ...全文
... 美國國家運輸安全局(NTSB)主席Robert Sumwalt在記者會上表示,這是9年以來在美國航班首次發生有 ...全文
... use. The NTSB’s action means Tesla may not gain access to some information obtained by the agency’s investigators before it is made public, but frees the company to vigorously defend the Autopilot te ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-13
... ices. The NTSB is investigating the Uber crash and previously assessed a fatality involving a Tesla vehicle. As for Facebook, press reports suggest that the company may have made some egregious mistak ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
... 國家交通安全委員會(NTSB)也以調查聞名,經常改變我們對最佳實踐的看法。NTSB正在調查優步撞人事件,此前它 ...全文
... 國家交通安全委員會(NTSB)的不滿,委員會周日發聲明批評Tesla。Tesla表示,涉事汽車在事故發生前不久 ...全文
... ty Board (NTSB) opened a field investigation into a fatal crash and vehicle fire in California on March 23. On Wednesday, a second federal regulator, the National Highway Transportation Safety Adminis ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-29
... 國家交通安全委員會(NTSB)正式調查特斯拉本月23日的一宗致命車禍,都導致特斯拉股價周三再度插水。 管理25 ...全文
... 國家交通安全委員會(NTSB)同日宣布,正式調查特斯拉本月23日的一宗致命車禍。一輛Model X電動車在加州 ...全文
... cars, the NTSB and police said. Tesla vehicles have a system called Autopilot that handles some driving tasks. The 38-year-old Tesla driver died at a nearby hospital shortly after the crash. “We have ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-28