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... e Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet, Part 1: Background a ...全文


Is a global recession really around the corner?

... S Federal Reserve and other major central banks, there is something like a 50% chance of a recession in 2023 and a 75% chance of it happening at some point during the next two years. Europe, hit hard ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-28

華人越南裔居民佔45% 傳統文化薰陶

... ie Nature Reserve則有自然教育中心、燒烤爐、野餐桌椅,以及綠樹成蔭的行山徑。Springval ...全文


A financial agenda for India’s G20 presidency

... e Federal Reserve in particular, have proven highly effective in calming financial markets. Unfortunately, the Fed and other central banks provide these facilities to only a limited set of partners. T ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-14


蘇富比原定上周四(8日)公開拍賣印尼維迪保護區(Widi Reserve)內的摩鹿加群島100多個島嶼,受到印 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年12月14日

The global climate-finance challenge

... the IMF’s reserve asset), or the sale of carbon credits. Moreover, grants and low-interest loans by developed-country governments should increase from $30 billion in 2019 to $60 billion in 2025. This ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

All pain and no gain from higher interest rates

... S Federal Reserve has a hammer, it shouldn’t go around smashing the economy. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

Crypto’s well-worn path to crisis

... e Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in early 2022. Contagion spread to Three Arrows Capital, a now-defunct crypto hedge fund that was substantially exposed to Terra-Luna. FTX attempted to h ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06

QE with Chinese characteristics?

... S Federal Reserve, and 33% for the People’s Bank of China. The costs and benefits of QE are hotly debated in both academic and policy circles. Mainstream economists were surprised that massive QE prog ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02

Think again about persistent inflation, and the non-partisan Fed

Two days after the midterm elections in the United States, the Financial Times reported that US inflation has slowed, markets are “giddy,” and the Federal Reserve may now ease up on its interest-rate ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

Global markets not out of the woods yet

... e Federal Reserve's inflation-fighting pushes the economy into recession, the combination of resilient labor markets and household balance sheets points to any such downturn being mild and relatively ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

The trilemma of central bank digital currencies

... S Federal Reserve Board has issued a paper weighing CBDC pros and cons. Evidently, central banks are scrambling to board the CBDC train before it leaves the station. But what motivates this mad dash? ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-11

就業市場仍旺盛 鮑威爾難停加息

... ractional reserve system,即銀行只須保留一些準備金以便存戶隨時提取,其餘存款可用於貸款 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年11月11日

A historical recount of US economy policy

The big lesson of the past 60 years of US economic policy, according to former vice chair of the US Federal Reserve and current Princeton University economist Alan S. Blinder’s new book, A Monetary an ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

Down goes the yen

... S Federal Reserve raised its policy rate by 75 basis points – BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda announced that the central bank would “not raise rates for the foreseeable future.” The Japanese economy is s ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-21

Unhappy October

... r Federal Reserve (2006-2014) chairman who became one of three winners of the Nobel prize in economic sciences this year for his research on banks and financial crises. The award could not be a better ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

The stagflationary debt crisis is here

... S Federal Reserve have begun to acknowledge that a soft landing will be exceedingly difficult to pull off. Fed Chair Jerome Powell now speaks of a “softish landing” with at least “some pain.” Meanwhil ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

Wetland 3期第三輪賣30伙

... ILLS及KOKO RESERVE已屆現樓,會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,將分批發信通知業主有關交樓安排,預計 ...全文


KOKO HILLS分批交樓 累沽232伙

... 項目第2期KOKO RESERVE已屆現樓,現正進行最後檢查,目標月內完成所有交樓手續。 他補充,是次交樓亦會 ...全文


Wetland三期今開賣 21人爭一伙

... S及第2期KOKO RESERVE昨晚舉行亮燈儀式,標誌入伙流程即將啟動,今天率先開放會所予傳媒參觀。 ...全文


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