
共 115 個結果
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South Korea to kick off 5G mobile services

South Korea will become one of the first countries to commercially launch fifth-generation (5G) services as it rolls out on Friday the latest wireless technology with Samsung Electronics’ new 5G-enabl ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-04


南韓藥業集團Celltrion主席Seo Jung Jin表示,希望在今年上半年成立中國合資企業,明年開始在內 ...全文


道指收市挫395點 納指跌3%

《華爾街日報》報道,蘋果公司削減了全部3款新iPhone的生產,消息拖累蘋果股價大跌,並影響科技股整體表現。另 ...全文


道指低收395 比特幣穿五千

《華爾街日報》報道,蘋果公司削減了全部3款新iPhone的生產,消息拖累蘋果股價大跌,並影響科技股整體表現。另 ...全文


Asian firms shift production from China as US tariffs hit

A growing number of Asian manufacturers of products ranging from memory chips to machines tools are moving to shift production from China to other factories in the region in the wake of US President D ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-24


由於摩根士丹利下調半導體股的評級,認為存貨增加對這個行業構成壓力,日韓兩國的晶片股周五全線下滑,並拖累兩地股市 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月11日

Samsung profit growth slows as Galaxy S9 misses sales targets

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. on Tuesday posted its slowest quarterly profit growth in more than a year as its Galaxy S9 device missed sales targets and competition heated up, Reuters reports. Operatin ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31

港股收逾三周高 五連升進賬1202點

隔晚美國股市個別發展,納指續創收市新高。連升4日的港股今日進一步造好,科技股領漲大市。不過大市上升股份比例僅過 ...全文


涉價格操縱 官媒:中國或對三星海力士等罰款

中宣部旗下《中國日報》報道,中國監管機構可能就儲存晶片生產商美光科技(Micron Technology)、三 ...全文


China launches price-fixing probe into DRAM chipmakers

China has launched a probe into Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix and Micron Technology amid suspicions of price collusion in the DRAM memory chip market, Reuters reports. Authorities are investigating pr ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-06


《華爾街日報》報道,中國監管機構正調查儲存晶片生產商美光科技(Micron Technology)、三星電子和 ...全文



《華爾街日報》報道,中國監管機構正調查存儲晶片生產商美光科技(Micron Technology)、三星電子和 ...全文



《日經新聞》昨天引述消息人士報道,日本東芝終於通過中國反壟斷審查,獲批准向美國私募基金貝恩資本(Bain Ca ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月18日

Apple in talks for first order with a Chinese chipmaker: report

Apple is in talks with Yangtze Memory Technologies over a potential deal for purchase of storage chips from the Chinese state-backed semiconductor manufacturer, according to the Nikkei. If the talks s ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-15

東芝財困暫解 記憶體可吊高賣

日本東芝(Toshiba)出售記憶體晶片業務的鬧劇終進入結局篇,東芝與其美國夥伴Western Digital ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月15日

Trees don't grow to the sky, ditto for chip stocks

As the old trading adage goes, “trees don’t grow to the sky”; markets will correct at some stage. I previously said that economies all over the world were showing positive growth, which is rarely seen ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-28

大摩下調評級 三星勁挫5.1%

摩根士丹利下調了三星電子的評級,認為全球記憶晶片業的超級周期快將見頂。消息拖累三星電子股價昨天急挫5.1%,以 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月28日

Smart money or dumb money?

What is "Smart Money"? By definition, it refers to sophisticated investors who have a comprehensive observation and understanding of the financial markets, those who often spot and foresee trends befo ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-27

東芝靚價賣晶片 漫長官司將上演

晶片講求速度,諷刺的是,日本東芝把晶片業務放盤,竟擾攘多時才有定案,周三同意將業務售予美國私募基金貝恩資本(B ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月22日

Grand bargains in Korean stocks despite Pyongyang’s threat

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have escalated once again after Pyongyang said it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, its most powerful nuclear bomb, which could be mounted on a ballistic missile th ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-06

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