... s such as Visa and MasterCard, as well as payment processors like First Data and Stripe, which take a cut of every sale when shoppers swipe cards or click “buy now” during online purchases. Launched i ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-03
... titled to visa-free treatment in 134 countries and regions, as compared to only 60 by holders of the PRC passport. In other words, even though there are now only a handful of countries on earth that s ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-03
... ducted by Visa. The economic benefits will spur the city's digital transformation and help it develop into a full-fledged smart city. Hong Kong boasts some of the world's fastest data transmission spe ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-02
香港叫車市場的競爭升溫,繼早前滴滴出行旗下叫車應用程式DiDi夥拍Visa推出最多600元優惠後,HKTaxi ...全文
... ing for a visa within three years after graduation. They can apply for a working visa as long as they can find a job with a minimum monthly salary of 2,314 euros (US$2,825). This article appeared in t ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-26
... 損6155.9萬元‧Visa第二季純利26.1億美元,去年同期獲利4.3億美元;每股賺1.11美元,勝市場預期 ...全文
全球最大支付系統營運商Visa公布,截至3月31日止第二季純利為26.1億美元(203.58億港元),去年同期 ...全文
... 至161.95美元;VISA跌幅達2.81%,高盛跳水2.44%。 美元指數回軟報90.74,跌0.2%。紐約 ...全文
... ship with Visa, has begun offering discounts to drivers and customers on Fridays. The incentive, which will be in place three consecutive Fridays starting April 20, will see passengers who make paymen ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-23
... uld offer visa waiver to Hong Kong citizens. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on April 6 Translation by Alan Lee [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-19
... 外,DiDi是次夥拍Visa推廣,把最後一個推廣日(5月4日)訂為「Visa優先的士體驗日」。Visa香港及澳 ...全文
... 用卡,而5月4日則與Visa信用卡合作。 亦即是共3天的推廣活動,每名乘客最多可獲600元車資優惠,但使用現金 ...全文