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1949年,法國女權主義者西蒙波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)出版了《第二性》(The Secon ...全文



... Houston主唱的One Moment in Time與各位共勉:「When all of my dream ...全文


Sleepwalking into a global recession

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank held their Spring Meetings in Washington this month amid growing fears of a prolonged worldwide recession and following a series of reports predictin ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

Fed pause: Loosening monetary policy would be a mistake

... of loose monetary policy corresponded with strong inflows to, and returns and value growth for, real estate assets. But loose monetary policy also led to a damaging period of exuberance when values be ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

Debt restructuring for commodity exporters

The world is in the midst of a debt crisis. A recent report estimates that 61 emerging-market and developing economies – nearly one-third of the International Monetary Fund’s member countries – are fa ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

University Hill 69人爭一伙最激
收10398票今年次高 稍遜NOVO LAND第2B期

... 恒地旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第3期One Innovale–Cabanna連沽兩伙,套現139 ...全文


Hong Kong’s recovery: New parochialism and ways to tackle it

... necessary one. Post-Pandemic: New Parochialism The difficulty in addressing the new creeping parochialism in policymaking and reimagining Hong Kong, partly lies in its most recent origins. It was born ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

Decarbonization requires new fiscal rules

... s-tested monetary benefit. To assuage unemployment fears in the fossil-fuel industry, create a green-skills training program. The list goes on. While filling an important gap, these policies are an ee ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... ly define one for the future. It has hardly diversified its economy for the last thirty years and in many ways has neglected its lower income groups in its business-as-usual approach to remaining the ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27


... only into one or two ports of their kingdom that they e ...全文


Wrong choice for Happy Hong Kong football team

One of the most memorable events about the celebration of the end of SARS was the Real Madrid visit. The so-called six aces era with French Zidane, Brazilian Ronaldo and Carlos, England’s Beckham, Por ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-26

Hong Kong migrants in UK wait for 2.2 billion pounds in pensions

Tens of thousands of Hong Kong people who have emigrated to the U.K. cannot withdraw their money from the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) until they have obtained British citizenship, a process that wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-26

Why impact investing matters now more than ever

... outcomes. One way of targeting these types of impacts is to align and anchor investments according to the UN SDGs, as this provides a framework to identify pressure points and target the companies who ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

Why not put it on ice?

Ice Hockey must be the last sport that anyone would associate with Hong Kong, yet our young sportsmen and women have been achieving remarkable international success at this, the most violent of all sp ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

Taking HK businesses to next level with 5G and edge computing

While being one of the earliest adopters of 5G, Hong Kong has only scratched the surface of its transformative potential. Edge computing is the next step in the 5G revolution, promising to enhance the ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

The wisdom of Germany’s nuclear phase-out

...  site for one is hugely difficult and costly. Third, despite what advocates claim, nuclear power is neither climate-friendly nor particularly reliable. Even if it contributes less to the climate crisi ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24

Good use of caverns will increase our land reserves

... cavern is one of the options. According to the authorities, the advantages of cavern as a data centre are safety, power saving, easy heat dissipation and less radiation effect, all of which can reduce ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24


保誠宣布,推出市場首創「衛星檢」及「隨身檢」兩項新一站式體檢服務,旨在縮短核保體檢時間;配合嶄新「One Si ...全文



恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目必嘉坊,首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第2期必嘉坊.迎匯(BAK ...全文



... 外,荃灣海盛路11號ONE MIDTOWN 43樓1至3、5至9室,建築面積7911方呎,連一個車位,屬大華銀 ...全文


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