
共 1049 個結果
頁數:1...45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

ADR預示港股升逾百點 留意國壽

... 公司公布業績,其中以鷹君(00041)及理文造紙(02314)的全年業績較受市場關注。 ...全文


啤殼歪風猛吹 唐家成︰好多賊
證監謀整頓 上市要看動機

... 奶 「創業板之父」、鷹君(00041)主席羅嘉瑞坦言,創業板已成「二奶板」(Mistress Board),有 ...全文



... 113)、嘉里建設、鷹君集團(00041)、恒隆地產(00101)及九倉。其中九倉過去兩年的股價表現不及母公司 ...全文


內地客減 朗廷實際少賺15%

... .55%。計及大股東鷹君集團放棄分派,末期每股合訂單位分派12.9仙;全年分派24.6仙,減少17.45%。雖 ...全文


Sino Land, Walter Kwok consortium win Ocean Park hotel tender

Sino Land Co. Ltd. (00083.HK) and a consortium led by former Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. (00016.HK) chairman Walter Kwok Ping-sheung jointly won a tender for the development of The Fullerton Hotel at ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-04


... 但因當時選定的發展商鷹君(00041)退出而流標,有指鷹君不滿項目只有35年營運權卻要以市價補地價。海洋公園於 ...全文


Did Shui On just sell a Shanghai cash cow?

Shui On Land Ltd. (00272.HK) may be pursuing the wrong business strategy by offloading its hotel holding to focus on property development, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Monday.  The develope ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-01

Great Eagle may have got a good deal on Tai Po site

Real-estate developer Great Eagle Holdings (00041.HK) has won a site in Pak Shek Kok in Hong Kong's Tai Po district for HK$2.41 billion (US$311 million), in a deal that appears to be a good bargain. T ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-29

HKEJ Today: Highlights

Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Thursday, April 3: TOP STORIES HKEx, Shanghai Stock Exchange in talks on m ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-03

頁數:1...45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

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