
共 1925 個結果
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興發鋁業(00098) 內幕消息 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 《收購守則》所指的要約公司刊發的公告 / 股權...更多

興發鋁業(00098) 聯合公佈 (1)華泰金融控股(香港)有限公司 為及代表香港廣新鋁業有限公司 就興發鋁業 ...全文


R&D tax incentives: Why they may not make sense

Extensive international research shows that offering research and development (R&D) tax credits to businesses with an objective of encouraging them to spend more on R&D, a popular policy among ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-13

Wire fox terrier wins top prize at New York dog show

A wire fox terrier won “Best in Show” at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York on Tuesday, emerging as the top dog among nearly 3,000 barking, tail-wagging competitors, Reuters reports. The ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-13


噚日繼續部署隻恒指牛(66749),喺下晝1點15分至1點20分,恒指5分鐘圖見SlowSTC(14,3)見超 ...全文


Freed refugee Bahraini footballer arrives in Australia

A refugee Bahraini footballer who was held in a Thai prison for more than two months at the Gulf state’s request arrived in his adoptive home Australia on Tuesday to cheers and the great relief of his ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

麥迪森控股(08057) 關連交易 / 主要交易 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 代價發行 / 根據特定授權發行股...更多

麥迪森控股(08057) 每月更新公告 (1)有關收購一間目標公司 77%權益之主要及關連交易; (2)根據特 ...全文



今日初七人日,祝大家生日快樂!今年個新年都好似過得好快,相信大家去親朋好友度拜年都拜得八八九九,噚日我同我家老 ...全文


The Favourite rules BAFTAs with most wins, Roma takes top prize

Costume romp The Favourite was the biggest winner at the BAFTAs, taking seven awards, but Netflix black and white film Roma picked up the best film prize, as well as for best director, at Britain’s to ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-11

【消息】黃友嘉籲散工參加行業計劃 方便僱主供款

積金局主席黃友嘉呼籲,建造和飲食業從業員參加「行業計劃」,盡早開立「散工卡」,方便僱主供款及僱員管理強積金。 ...全文


Thai king's sister running for PM in March polls

The sister of Thailand’s king entered the race to become prime minister on Friday as the candidate of a populist party, an unprecedented foray into politics by a royal that instantly upended the first ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-08

時富投資(01049) 內幕消息 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 公開招股 / 資本重組 / 交易安排(更改每手...更多

時富投資(01049) 終止公開發售及清洗豁免及有關股本重組之經修訂預期時間表 (234KB, PDF) ...全文


諾奇(01353) 內幕消息 / 延遲發送通函或其他文件 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 代價發行 / 非常...更多

諾奇(01353) 本集團事務之最新消息 及 進一步延遲寄發有關 (1)非常重大收購事項; (2)涉及新上市申 ...全文


中國生物科技服務(08037) 須予披露的交易 / 代價發行 / 根據一般性授權發行股份 / 條款上的更改 / 在完成須予公布的交易方面...更多

中國生物科技服務(08037) (1)調整銷售股份1之代價及經修訂之付款機制;及(2)進一步延長有關 (a)收 ...全文


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