環球實業科技(01026) (I) 涉及建議收購目標公司全部已發行股本之主要及關連交易; (II) 建議按於記 ...全文
恆誠建築(00994) 聯合公告 (1)收購恆誠建築控股有限公司之銷售股份; (2)中國通海證券有限公司 代表 ...全文
太陽國際(08029) (1)出售協議項下之須予披露交易、關連交易及特別交易 (2)股份銷售協議項下之主要交易 ...全文
金發局就強積金改革提供的5項建議當中,以扣稅部份最接近出台時間。當中,金發局建議以僱員自願性供款與強積金供款合 ...全文
《福布斯》雜誌公布2019年香港50大富豪排行榜,89歲的李錦記集團主席李文達從去年的第11位躍居第三,身家1 ...全文
好笑!事緣早兩日我入紙申請4月喺我生日期間同老爺喺泰國度過嘅假期,我老細向來對我哋請假一事都係比較寬鬆,因為佢 ...全文
US President Donald Trump said trade talks with China were “going along very well” as the world’s two largest economies try to resolve their seven-month tariff war ahead of a March 1 deadline for a de ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-14
萬達酒店發展(00169) 非執行董事、審核委員會及薪酬委員會成員及授權代表辭任 (2217KB, PDF) ...全文
興發鋁業(00098) 聯合公佈 (1)華泰金融控股(香港)有限公司 為及代表香港廣新鋁業有限公司 就興發鋁業 ...全文
Extensive international research shows that offering research and development (R&D) tax credits to businesses with an objective of encouraging them to spend more on R&D, a popular policy among ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-13
A wire fox terrier won “Best in Show” at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York on Tuesday, emerging as the top dog among nearly 3,000 barking, tail-wagging competitors, Reuters reports. The ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-13
天喔國際(01219) 有關復牌進展的季度更新 及 有關清盤呈請的最新消息 (349KB, PDF) ...全文
力世紀(00860) 財務總監、 公司秘書及 授權代表變更 (801KB, PDF) ...全文
A refugee Bahraini footballer who was held in a Thai prison for more than two months at the Gulf state’s request arrived in his adoptive home Australia on Tuesday to cheers and the great relief of his ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-12
麥迪森控股(08057) 每月更新公告 (1)有關收購一間目標公司 77%權益之主要及關連交易; (2)根據特 ...全文
Costume romp The Favourite was the biggest winner at the BAFTAs, taking seven awards, but Netflix black and white film Roma picked up the best film prize, as well as for best director, at Britain’s to ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-11