
共 3000 個結果
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Expensive cherry visit

... icult for one to envisage what it is like to wait at the airport check-out counter for the extended time equivalent to their flight hours. Let’s hope that they would not encounter similar queue if the ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-06

Tax the rich to save the planet

... w topping one trillion dollars annually – once and for all. The IPCC estimates that removing subsidies could lower GHG emissions by up to 10% by 2030. More broadly, governments should use progressive ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04

After Biden,Xi agree to fix ties, aides shouldn’t get in the way

... Air Force One. The plane was ordered, paid for and delivered but has never been used for its original purpose apparently because of the numerous bugs found on the aircraft. China denounces the United ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04

Fintech,healthcare,luxury goods sectors poised for strong growth

... to become one that grows more than the market and the economy, it needs to be doing something different and special, and these are the areas where we find strong secular growth. Fintech Fintech is one ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-04

新地售樓吸金最強 NOVO LAND 2B雙料盤王

... 盤錄得成交,包括粉嶺One Innovale發展項目,以及大角咀利奧坊系列等。該集團今年部署推出7個全新盤,涉 ...全文



... ,包括尖沙咀The ONE、銅鑼灣皇室堡、尖沙咀新港中心、銅鑼灣地帶、銅鑼灣東角LAFORET及灣仔電腦城,行 ...全文



配合政府即將發放今年首階段消費券,華人置業(00127)管理的The ONE、皇室堡、新港中心、銅鑼灣地帶、東 ...全文


Tick TikTok goes globalization

The spectacle of the US Congress grilling TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew on March 23 could one day be remembered as a turning point in the history of globalization. Over five hours of aggressive questioning, ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03

How Hong Kong can leverage crypto to crack carbon credit dilemma

... een by anyone with an internet browser, and this would bring a revolutionary amount of transparency to a previously opaque process. Transparency is the secret ingredient to achieve consensus for stand ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03

Is globalization over?

... ies have done the same. These processes have always given rise to biological interactions and interdependencies. The plague originated in Asia but killed a third of the European population between 134 ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03


... 」(Defense One)訪問時表示,美國與中國並未處於「戰爭邊緣」,而且台灣「非常難以攻佔」,但他主張華府 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月03日


... 有趣,叫『一健康』(One Health),即人類健康、個人健康與地球健康互相關聯;環境及可持續性因素,有時可 ...全文



... 」(Defense One)訪問時表示,在中美及其他地方,都有言論可能令人以為戰爭即將爆發,或美中兩國處於戰爭 ...全文


KOKO MARE七天累收逾2600票

... 萬元。 雨後引優惠 One Eighty餘貨減價 另邊廂,再有餘貨盤劈價賣樓。老牌發展商林氏家族旗下筲箕灣單幢 ...全文


數據安全需求增 Palto Alto逆巿見真章

... ,紐約名星大廈曼哈頓One Madison Avenue作美東總辦事處。Palto Alto Networks ...全文



恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目必嘉坊,首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第2期必嘉坊.迎匯(BAK ...全文


An insolvency iceberg?

... ter, once one of the world’s biggest investment banks, is now being taken over by UBS at a massive discount. Assuming the media’s reporting tells the whole story, these sudden failures have a straight ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

The population boon

... icies, exponential population growth would outpace improvements in agriculture and cause recurrent bouts of famine and pestilence. Industrialization would postpone the crisis, but not forever. These a ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

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