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... mazon)、微信(WeChat)、Netflix和Kindle,但亦會鼓勵潛在市場進入者的尋租行為。雖然這可 ...全文

今日信報理財投資行業微觀Robert Carnell2017年12月20日

Vipshop deal signals growing rivalry in China e-commerce space

... nt system WeChat Pay and WeChat traffic. Meanwhile, JD.com will grant the company a prominent position on its main page. Vipshop now has 300 million users, and over 80 percent of them are women, accor ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-19

Tencent, JD.com invest US$863 million in online retailer Vipshop

... g service WeChat and its online payment systems to drive shopping demand, the news agency said. Martin Lau, Tencent’s president, said the tie-up would bring Vipshop Tencent’s “audiences, marketing sol ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-19

Meet Booqed, Hong Kong's Airbnb for office and commercial spaces

... lipay and WeChat Pay. Booqed also helped find an office space for a Shenzhen-based startup, which has just received new funding, expanded its team to 30 and looked for a 6-month short-term rental. In ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-18

彈性短租 靈活應變 Booqed盡用空間價值

... 700)的微信支付(WeChat Pay)達成全球合作協議,讓網上商戶接受內地消費者付款。David坦言:「S ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月18日

一錘定智 兩Q一味

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID: davidkho Facebook: Scaling Academy ...全文


China self-service gymbox operator said to raise US$30 mln

... ssion via WeChat or its mobile app, and then receive a one-time password. They can then input the access code to unlock the door of the gym and start to work out. The startup has three revenue sources ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Tencent expected to raise US$1 billion in music unit's IPO

... so offers WeChat messaging app, a video-streaming site, a karaoke app and content-licensing deals with more than 200 international and domestic record companies. “Tencent Music has a dominant status i ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

絲路面南望 高瞻下西洋

... ,查詢及報名可自行到WeChat何華真粉絲會,或聯絡助理蘇小姐28272882。 作者為MASTERMIND大 ...全文


Octopus steps up e-payment push

... lipay and WeChat Pay are expanding their presence in the Hong Kong market. The local mobile payment landscape would thus come to a turning point in the next two years as the rivalry among local and Ch ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07

Apple's Cook optimistic that apps pulled in China will be back

... ms on its WeChat app, which created an ecosystem of apps within the app and threatened to become an operating system of its own. The two companies are seen to have made peace recently, with the Apple ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07


騰訊(00700)與工銀亞洲合作,推出工銀亞洲賬戶綁定WeChat Pay HK服務,並為首5000名綁定戶口 ...全文


HK should cultivate e-payment market for small amounts

...  users of WeChat Pay, and one of the most-used function is the Red Packet, a digital version of traditional envelopes stuffed with cash. Users can send red packets to their friends and relatives durin ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-04


... ,查詢及報名可自行到WeChat何華真粉絲會,或聯絡助理蘇小姐28272882。 作者為MASTERMIND大 ...全文


HK should learn from Kodak's downfall

... lipay and WeChat Pay. In Hong Kong, many consumers still refuse to use mobile payment tools on account of security concerns. Yet mobile payment has been quite popular not just in China but in many oth ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

Octopus launches QR code service targeting taxi drivers, hawkers

... lipay and WeChat Pay which are expanding rapidly in Hong Kong. Adrian Tam, a sales and marketing general manager at Octopus, pointed out that traditional Octopus cards were fast, with transactions com ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

信銀國際私人銀行 致力成為高端客戶「首選中資銀行」

... 6年首創存款戶口綁定WeChat Pay香港錢包等;另外,雖然私人銀行服務一向以人為本,但為滿足高端跨境客戶的 ...全文


Turning AMR words into action

... g service WeChat to develop an AMR-awareness app. Among the other Ten Commandments on which some progress has been made, I am particularly excited about three. First, a promising amount of money is fl ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-28

Hong Kong should vie to become R&D hub

... lipay and WeChat Pay went directly for the retail market as soon as they entered Hong Kong. Local startups can hardly do the same thing. If the Hong Kong government is keen to innovate with new techno ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-28


... 高遊戲收入。 微信及WeChat合計每月活躍用戶9.8億,按年升15.8%。雖然未來用戶數目增長或放緩,惟用戶 ...全文


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