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銷售遠未達標 內容網上消失

... 增5%,遠低於創辦人雷軍揚言增長35%,至1000億元的目標,惟事件變成「羅生門」,數個刊登上述數字的內地新聞 ...全文


借殼回A設限 避免定價過高

... 報道,包括小米創辦人雷軍在內等投資者,已經中止了涉及25億美元的的歡聚時代私有化計劃。原因是A股存在不確定因素 ...全文



... 1》一炮而紅,很快被雷軍旗下金山軟件(03888)的手遊公司獵豹移動收購,並於去年推出配置更多鋼琴名曲的續作《 ...全文


Tesla sensation draws fans and critics in China

...  Lei Jun {雷軍}, Lenovo’s Yang Yuanqing {楊元慶}, and Tencent’s Pony Ma {馬化騰}. These IT titans have all paid generous compliments to the e-carmaker on several public occasions that greatly enhanced Tesla’s ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-08

Xiaomi to seize the mobile payment day? Pigs might fly

When Xiaomi’s Lei Jun {雷軍} wants his staff to seize the day, he offers his favourite aphorism: "When the typhoon comes, even a pig can fly". Lei and Xiaomi have already soared on the launches of smart ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-10


...  Lei Jun {雷軍} told Premier Li Keqiang {李克強} in Beijing last Friday. Li, who was gathering opinions from industry leaders in preparation for an annual work report, agreed that internet has an important ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-20

Google in your living room? Go search

...  Lei Jun {雷軍} is in no doubt about the direction of his company in the home technology market which ties in with his ambition to turn Xiaomi into a 100 billion yuan company in three years, or seven ye ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-15

Dong bets a billion yuan but what was she thinking?

...  Lei Jun {雷軍}. Like the men before them, Dong and Lei sealed the bet on national television. It made for some amusing viewing. Dong bet 1 billion yuan that Xiaomi will not top Gree's sales in five yea ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-16

Picture not bright for smart TV players as price war rages

...  Lei Jun {雷軍} admitted that his company would incur a huge loss if actual sales volume of its MiTV turned out low. Leshi appears to be more optimistic. The video streaming website operator assured its ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-16

China starts cherry picking winners in cloud computing push

...  Lei Jun {雷軍}, founder and CEO of Xiaomi; and Sun Pishu {孫丕恕}, boss of Inspur Group. Given the fact that all public activities of Chinese leaders are orchestrated carefully, the arrangement was by no ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-03

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