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... 間酒莊求職,想做一年gap year才唸大學。當時只有一家酒莊回應,就是Ata Rangi的Phyll。 19 ...全文


How the generation gap is holding back Hong Kong

Hong Kong used to be full of vibrant new ideas and energetic talent that helped transform it into a global metropolis. But in the 18 years since the handover to China, it has been losing that competit ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-21


... ce Gender Gap的panel discussion,悠悠然想起了電影和現實裏的Police Offi ...全文



... 見面不如講gag。在Gap Life落幕後,演員在後台相擁流淚,感傷難止,陳淑儀淡然自若拍拍肩安慰,「gap ...全文


Time for Asian economies to deleverage

... n and the gap between developed and emerging markets in terms of current account balance started narrowing. In terms of global trade, however, the imbalance continues. Presently, about one-fourth of t ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14

Can reminbi become a world currency?

... arrow the gap between the international standing of the renminbi and that of the world’s “great currencies”, as they promote use of the renminbi far beyond the Asia-Pacific region. It is important to ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14

RMB internationalization has long way to go

...  is large gap between potential and actual use of yuan outside China. In 2013, up to 70 percent of renminbi trade settlement occurred between Hong Kong and China, rather than in outside markets. The y ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-12

Uber and out?

...  price. A gap in the market existed, it has now been filled. A million people use taxis every day. On those odd occasions where you can’t get one, having an alternative where you pay a premium surely ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

Tycoon yet to close ATV deal amid HK$450 mln financing gap

Mainland tycoon Si Rongbin (司榮彬) has yet to fill a HK$450 million financing gap before he can close a deal to acquire a controlling stake in debt-laden Asia Television Ltd. from major shareholders Dav ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

Basic Law allows Beijing to transplant own laws into HK?

... widen the gap between Hong Kong and the mainland, given the people's low level of confidence in the administration of Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. So many instances have proved that Hong Kong off ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-10

Why South Korean students are embracing local colleges again

... owing the gap with their overseas counterparts. South Korean schools, for instance, are learning to balance their focus between language proficiency and academic performance. In addition, local univer ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-09

When inequality kills

... away this gap. The US is a more heterogeneous society, they argued, and the gap supposedly reflected the huge difference in average life expectancy between African-Americans and white Americans. The r ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

China must focus on supply side reform

... he fiscal gap may widen further amid slowing revenue growth. The government may issue a set of policy finance bonds and also expand scale of a debt swap program. In the past, China mainly relied on st ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-07

Why the Tanner Hill elderly homes project will be watched keenly

... e city, a gap that new retirement housing estates can fill. Recently I came across an acquaintance who went to enquire about Tanner Hill. The lady, a 70-year-old widow who spends her time between Toro ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-07

Could China sink like the Titanic?

...  that the gap had become wider between city and countryside, rich and poor and one district and another. “The public will find it very hard to continue trusting the party and the government if promise ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-07

Why grain traders will keep a close eye on new Argentina govt

... to a wide gap between the official exchange rate and that on the black market. Recently, the official rate was 9.58 peso per US dollar, while in the black market the unit was being exchanged at 15 pes ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-05


... 《Mind the Gap》(留心差距)調查異曲同工。具體來說,Hsu的研究發現,基金產生的回報率(時間加權回 ...全文


Honda raises retirement age to 65

... s the pay gap between higher and lower performers. The moves could position Honda as one of Japan’s most aggressive companies in seeking programs and policies to help deal with a population that is ag ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-01

Wartime Japanese grenades found near Hong Kong Parkview

... Nai Chung Gap trail in Happy Valley. David has recovered a number of wartime relics, mostly weapons and ammunition, in hiking trails believed to have been used by Japanese and British soldiers during ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-30

Modern slavery: Hong Kong is not immune

... find this gap surprising. Hong Kong, “Asia’s World City”, is a deeply sophisticated place that I deeply admire. It boasts an advanced economy with strong rule of law and respected, world-class law enf ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-30

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