TOM集團(02383) 須予披露交易有關以執行實物支付之方式償還該融資函件之該貸款行使選擇權(242KB, ...全文
環球私募股權基金公司璞米資本(Permira)宣布,已完成最新併購基金Permira VII(P7/璞米七號基 ...全文
A US jury said Johnson & Johnson must pay US$8 billion in punitive damages to a man who previously won US$680,000 over his claims that it failed to warn that young men using its antipsychotic drug ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-09
The United States has imposed visa restrictions on Chinese government and Communist Party officials it believes responsible for the detention or abuse of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang province, Reuter ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-09
US lawmakers joined a chorus of criticism of the National Basketball Association (NBA) after the organization distanced itself from a tweet by the manager of the Houston Rockets in support of the Hong ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-08
外國電影電視的求生片特別多,由流浪荒島、空中浩劫、深海遇上大白鯊玩到上火星,應有盡有,不外乎提醒人類要戰勝逆境 ...全文
據外媒報道,索尼和迪士尼終談判成功並公布漫威影業(Marvel Studios)將拍攝《蜘蛛俠3》系列的電影。 ...全文
英國反對派黨魁郝爾彬(Jeremy Corbyn)周日表示,該黨將就脫歐策略作出決定。路透引述工黨的消息人士稱 ...全文
英國在野工黨上周六起舉行為期兩天的周年大會。然而,有工黨黨員在大會前一天因脫歐問題存在分歧而要求罷免副黨魁沃森 ...全文
美國聯儲局副主席克拉里達(Richard Clarida)認為,美國經濟雖然強勁,但全球經濟顯著放緩,聯儲局因 ...全文
When emergencies strike, special processes within governments and communities swing into gear. And everyone steps up to help. The world is now in a climate emergency. At the United Nations Climate Act ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg met with US President Donald Trump on Thursday during a fence-mending visit to Washington where the chief executive faced aggressive questioning from lawmakers ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20
反修例運動至今逾百日,造成警民嚴重對立。有支持反修例警員接受德國傳媒訪問,指警察不應成為政府的擋箭牌。 據《德 ...全文