
共 1925 個結果
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南方東英資產管理宣布,推出香港首隻美元貨幣ETF-南方美元貨幣ETF,主要投資於以美元計價的短期存款及貨幣市場 ...全文


Australian national being held in Beijing

A former Chinese diplomat who has Australian citizenship is being held in residential detention in China, Reuters reports, citing government ministers. Australia said on Thursday author Yang Hengjun w ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24

US-backed Guaido claims Venezuela presidency

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim president on Wednesday, winning the backing of Washington and many Latin American nations and prompting socialist Nicolas Maduro, who ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24

Baidu pledges to improve search service after complaint

China’s top search engine Baidu Inc. on Wednesday pledged to improve its media aggregating service after a complaint about the quality of the service and its search results went viral on social media, ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-23

【消息】調查:六成半港人退休儲備不足 缺口創新高

友邦香港公布「AIA理想退休生活調查」結果,六成半港人退休儲備不足,儲備缺口達185萬元,創新高。 調查顯示, ...全文


CryptoBLK lures bank giants to bring blockchain to trade finance

In October 2015, The Economist published a much-discussed report on blockchain, featuring the topic on the magazine's cover along with the tag line “The Trust Machine: How the technology behind Bitcoi ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-21


上回講到,恒指超買超買再超買嘅情況之下,基於牛熊證街貨圖上儲咗大量嘅熊證喺度,所以恒指都仲有理由向上走;恒指今 ...全文


Gap between rich and poor growing, fueling global anger: Oxfam

Tax systems that put a high burden on the poor mean public services are underfunded, stretching the gap between rich and poor and fueling global public anger, Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Ox ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-21

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