
共 2907 個結果
頁數:1...52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ...146

Fed likely to raise rates, possibly end 'accommodative' policy

...  set in a target range of between 1.75 percent and 2.00 percent. “In light of the economy’s impressive growth momentum, the upward trends in wage and price inflation, and the limited overall tightenin ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-26

Abe should focus more on economy, not constitutional reform

... anageable target would be to reinvigorate Abenomics. Abe’s centerpiece economic reform has been at best a fleeting success and he now has three years to salvage something durable from it. There's plen ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-24


... 712點,即係話噚日target 27600至27699點嗰過千張期指重貨今日全數死亡,如果今朝早一開市見到恒 ...全文


US sanctions Chinese military over Russian arms purchases

...  ultimate target of these sanctions is Russia. CAATSA sanctions in this context are not intended to undermine the defense capabilities of any particular country,” the official was quoted as saying. "T ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-21

Volkswagen group plans to build 10 million e-cars in first wave

Volkswagen plans to build 10 million electric cars based on its new modular MEB platform, targeting to launch worldwide mass production toward the end of 2022, Reuters reports. The company will build ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-18

Investors love the Chinese electric car story

... roduction target of 10,000. Limited sales and huge research and development expenses have resulted in heavy losses. Nio booked a total loss of 10.9 billion yuan over the past three years, while its re ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-17

China struggles with Belt and Road pushback

China, in an implicit recognition that at least some of its Belt and Road-related projects risk trapping target countries in debt or fail to meet their needs, has conceded that adjustments may be nece ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-17

Why Hong Kong is essential platform for Israel diamond industry

...  is a key target market for our industry,” said Boaz Moldawsky, chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute (IDI), a non-profit, public-interest body that promotes the country’s diamond industry. “We are ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14

New Apple watch could take bite out of Swiss market

...  not only target the wrists of geeks, but also of people over 45 who care about their health,” industry expert Gregory Pons said on his watch website businessmontres.com. Apple has rapidly gained shar ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14

The makings of a 2020 recession and financial crisis

... ing above target. The US Federal Reserve will thus continue to raise the federal funds rate from its current 2 percent to at least 3.5 percent by 2020, and that will likely push up short- and long-ter ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14

US imposes sanctions on Russian, Chinese tech firms over N Korea

... sanctions target China-based Yanbian Silverstar Network Technology Co., its North Korean chief executive Jong Song-hwa, and a Russian-based sister company, Volasys Silver Star, the US Treasury Departm ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-14

Tencent seen under further pressure amid China gaming crackdown

... he median target price of 41 analysts polled by Reuters Eikon has dropped 11 percent over the past month from HK$513 to HK$459.  "Tencent needs to find a new pillar of growth,” Guo told Reuters. -- Co ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

US business readies public fight against Trump tariffs

... nies like Target Corp. and Autozone Inc. “There has been a lot of work that has been going on over the last eight months to try to persuade the president and the administration that tariffs are not go ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

Is Rebecca Chan running as independent candidate?

... rself the target of criticisms. One commentator remarked that her pro-Beijing background has “gone off” after joining a social enterprise. It is also said that amid such speculations about Chan's plan ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

Tesla to drop some color options to simplify production

... the price target by US$100 to US$300, citing Musk’s "erratic behavior". Tesla shares have fallen about 30 percent from their Aug. 7 intraday high of US$387.46 when Musk tweeted about taking the compan ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

US weighs sanctions amid concern over China's Muslim crackdown

... rnment to target human rights violators around the world with freezes on any US assets, US travel bans, and prohibitions on Americans doing business with them. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

【美股】牛市穩 風險增

... 過於美國大型連鎖超市Target的行政總裁向CNBC表示:「我們現時受惠於表現相當強勁的消費市場,這是在我事業 ...全文


美股縱牛 經濟多愁

... 過於美國大型連鎖超市Target行政總裁向CNBC說:「我們現時受惠於表現相當強勁的消費市場,這是在我事業生涯 ...全文

今日信報理財投資理財方略Liz Ann Sonders2018年09月10日

亞馬遜市值破萬億美元僅花21年 料可超蘋果

... 爾瑪、Costco和Target三大實體零售商的市值總和。如果維持這個升勢,亞馬遜市值趕超蘋果只是遲早的事。蘋 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年09月06日

Daimler CEO outlines ambitious target for electric cars

... that (our targets) are aggressive side rather than the defensive side,” he was quoted as saying. Zetsche acknowledged that Tesla would be a competitor to the Germans in the electric cars market as the ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-05

頁數:1...52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ...146

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