
共 1456 個結果
頁數:1...53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ...73

Appeals court strikes blow to Trump travel ban

... ut 60,000 visa-holders were affected by the move. On Friday, a federal judge in Seattle issued a restraining order against the government, blocking enforcement of the new rules, at least temporarily. ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-10

跨行運作費用全免 餘額及日增值設限

... 港銀行所發的港元個人VISA或萬事達卡,以及港元銀行戶口的人士,均可使用該程式轉賬付款及發送訊息。 非滙豐客轉 ...全文


Microsoft seeks exception program on Trump travel ban

... r student visas and have not committed any crimes, Reuters reports. In a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Microsoft President Brad Smith outlin ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-03

Trump risks investors cannot afford to ignore

... with a US visa have faced lengthy inspections or even detention at airports. Trump fired acting attorney general Sally Yates Monday night, saying she “betrayed" the Department of Justice. Yates wrote ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-02

Trump signs order to build Mexico border wall

... uspend US visa issuance for people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.  Also, authorities plan to suspend a US refugee program for four months while determining whether permanent ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-26

滙豐跨行過數App 接受登記

... 港註冊銀行發行的港元Visa或萬事達卡人士,年滿18歲並持有香港身份證,均可免費使用有關程式,進行本地跨行轉賬 ...全文


Are we nearing the end of border controls with China?

... Hong Kong visa-free, or even allowed to live here permanently.  It's a step forward for Beijing to gradually remove border controls between Hong Kong and the mainland. On Tuesday, Hong Kong and Shenzh ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-05

Scramble to hire maids before new rules on window cleaning

... of 10,228 visa applications were filed in November, up about 10 percent from a year earlier, according to the Immigration Department. The number for December has not been released.   The surge in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28

人幣貶值買乜好 ?

周末再有報道指內地人來港購保險,以Visa 或Master 刷卡付保費,每次上限5000美元,而且只可碌一次, ...全文


恒指三連跌挫623點 4個月新低

... 起,內地客來港投保用Visa及MasterCard多次碌卡的漏洞被堵,只能單次碌最多5000美元,友邦(012 ...全文


樓債自身難保 人仔何處安身

... ,內地居民藉萬事達或VISA卡購買同一保險公司旗下多款產品,突破5000美元刷卡限額,惟周末傳出當局即時推出新 ...全文


內外雙「鷹」冒現 這個冬天寒暗襲

... 嚴控走資渠道,包括對Visa與萬事達卡等信用卡增簽賬上限,其對內地流入本港的資金在可見一段日子會明顯受制,頗不 ...全文


成交料續偏淡 大支持要睇250天線

... 自上周六起內地客透過VISA及MasterCard來港投保,每份保單最多只能碌卡5,000美元,且只限一次,留 ...全文


高息翻起千層浪 重債美企搖盪盪

... 業消息稱,萬事達卡或VISA上周六開始限制中國持卡人在本港多次刷卡買不同類型的保險產品。這是銀聯卡10月底禁止 ...全文



內地居民透過多次簽卡在本港購買保險產品的活動進一步受到限制,彭博引述消息指出,內地客使用Visa及萬事達卡在香 ...全文


生物認證看俏 指紋辨識佔多

... 是其中一個推動用途。VISA香港及澳門區產品部副總經理李斗善表示,花旗銀行在香港及新加坡都提供語音識別保安服務 ...全文


中銀:國際油價造好 留意新上市中海油購14999中石油購14995

... 受內地客戶被禁止使用Visa及Mastercard來港投保的報道打擊,全星期下跌3%以上。今早出現反彈,高開1 ...全文


瑞信:滙豐騰訊走勢呈兩極 滙豐購14579騰訊購14378

... ,內地客將被禁止利用Visa及Mastercard渠道來港投保。 友邦(01299)連跌4日,周五曾再跌近3% ...全文


中銀:賭業股急挫 留意銀娛購14322金沙購13449

... 5倍。 內地客不准以Visa及萬事達卡繳付保費的報道繼續打擊友邦。友邦今早低開接近3%,跌至43元以下,跌至逾 ...全文


Philippines outsourcing firms hit by Trump and 'Trump East'

... echnology visa program under a Donald Trump administration, India's US$150 billion IT services sector will speed up acquisitions in the United States, industry sources there say. Companies also plan t ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-09

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