
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ...150

How gender equity can boost organisational success

... audit for one of the Big Four, which was at the time a very male-dominated industry. In fact, there was just one female partner in my department, and as a young woman, I observed how she emulated her ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-13

How governments can reach those furthest behind first

...  leave no one behind. The challenge is formidable. Consider SDG1, which aims to eliminate poverty in all its forms. According to the World Bank’s Partnership for Economic Inclusion, government-led pov ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-13

ONE HOMANTIN一房園景蝕292萬沽

何文田ONE HOMANTIN 7座高層C室,實用面積406方呎,1房間隔,享西南內園景,最初開價880萬元, ...全文


The inflation picture gets murkier

... me rapid monetary-policy tightening. US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has just told Congress that, after having reduced the size of its last interest-rate increase from 50 basis points to 25, th ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

A new era of McCarthyism

... and every one of their races since the 1990s, they have been made to feel like they are little more than aliens at the mercy of an administration that would, as they are mooting in Texas, seek to revo ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

嘉皇臺4房4080萬 持21年進賬1.2倍

... .9倍。另外,何文田ONE HOMANTIN 7座高層C室,實用面積406方呎1房單位,成交價796.8萬元, ...全文


AI and the global south

... capacity. One widely cited example is China’s “social-credit system,” which uses credit histories, criminal convictions, online behavior, and other data to assign a score to every person in the countr ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

The algorithm society and its discontents

... ocieties, one unit’s needs will affect the actions of many others. Lastly, there is democracy: people use debate and discussion to reach a rough consensus and achieve broad-based support for an agreed ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

【國際早班車】荷蘭擬立法限制晶片技術出口 料針對中國

... 21號Twenty One Whitfield酒店委託代理出售,5月10日截止收取意向書,市場估值約6.5億元 ...全文


Could Britain rejoin the European Union?

... national Monetary Fund forecasts that Britain’s GDP this year will fall by an annual 0.6 per cent, making it the worst performer in the G7. Ray Barrell, emeritus professor of economics and finance at ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-09

Could Britain rejoin the European Union?

... national Monetary Fund forecasts that Britain's GDP thi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年03月09日

Twenty One Whitfield酒店放售 市值6.5億

... 21號Twenty One Whitfield酒店,物業的收取意向書截止日期為今年5月10日。該項物業市場估值 ...全文


How would women have more babies?

... as well). One can imagine the burden of kids could only be heavier as time goes by. Adding to the unfavourable formula is that husbands may not be willing to share the family duties. All these can pro ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08

The culture-war trap

...  settled. One, by the columnist Pamela Paul defending J.K. Rowling, caused particular offense. Rowling does not hate people who have transitioned from one sex to another, but she does not believe that ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08

Evidence for equity

“What gets measured gets done.” It is a well-worn maxim, attributed to everyone from management guru Peter Drucker to physicist Lord Kelvin. Regardless of who said it first, the point is a crucial one ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08

美銀行爭存款 提高CD息率

... 例如Capital One為約1年期的存款證提供年息5厘,這在兩年前可謂難以想像;即使大型銀行也感受到壓力,富 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月08日

頁數:1...54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ...150

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