... 大增至3.85億股。Visa急升2.2%。 二、由於升穿上升楔形頂部19274點,出現消耗性上升,後市如守該 ...全文
... ;有報道指兩大卡公司Visa及萬事達卡已知會相關銀行,自本周六起不接受內地客以Visa及萬事達卡繳付保費。友邦 ...全文
... 六起內地客不能再使用Visa及萬事達卡投保,逆市受壓,昨跌0.3%至45.1元。 內地螺紋鋼期貨價格升至兩年半 ...全文
... ar on the visa stamped on the applicant’s passport, news website hk01.com reports. Requiring the helper to live at the employer’s address is no different from putting the helper on standby 24 hours a ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-18
... hten H-1B visas. Established in 1990, the federal H-1B visa program allows employers to import up to 85,000 foreign workers each year to fill jobs that require "highly specialized knowledge”. Democrat ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-14
... granting visa-free access for Chinese citizens in 2008, the island has seen a surge in the number of mainland tourists. According to some figures, 2.16 million out of 2.5 million foreign tourists who ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-08
... n need of visa extension are forced to use Shenzhen as a stopover. They cross the border at Lo Wu in the morning, visit Shenzhen for the day and return to Hong Kong in the evening. Perhaps it was the ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-03
... 港保險公司仍可通過刷VISA及萬事達卡,購買大額保單。投資者如看好友邦回升,可留意友邦認購證(11792),行 ...全文
... llenge to Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc, WSJ says. Alipay was created in 2004 to support transactions on Alibaba’s Taobao online-shopping site and grew alongside the e-commerce business. It was later s ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-01
... 的限制。 傳包括內地Visa及MasterCard 內地《21世紀經濟報道》指出,銀聯於29日凌晨起,全面暫停 ...全文
... a tourist visa on arrival. Since the beginning of this year, the country has waived the visa fee for all tourists from mainland China and Hong Kong, a gesture aimed at boosting tourism after a devasta ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-21
... 港元結算,現階段接受Visa或MasterCard信用卡,以及八達通付款,毋須手續費,但未包括同系的支付寶HK ...全文
... id手機,連結用戶的Visa信用卡或萬事達卡,在全港5000多間配備感應式終端機的商舖,拍機(手機)付款。 推 ...全文
運輸署由本周五(21日)起,推出咪錶泊車收費試驗計劃,駕駛人士除以八達通付款,另增加Visa payWave、 ...全文
... -Pesa is mVisa, a partnership between Visa Inc. and two other Kenyan banks. With US$400 million in 2016 revenues at stake, Safaricom -- M-Pesa’s parent company -- are likely to focus on defending its ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-14