... oint、東方國際、上海電氣集團(02727)、上海實業(00363)、惠理集團(00806)、雲南國際及中國 ...全文
... 資、惠理、雲南能源及上海電氣集團。 有大型銀行證券業務部主管指出,近期較大型的新股表現一般,加上「深港通」的炒 ...全文
... 88億元售予中資機購上海電氣(02727),呎價2.54萬元,而該單位原業主於2007年6月以4688萬元購入 ...全文
... ,阻力192元。 上海電氣(02727)去年4月27日最高8.626元,9RSI頂背馳,28日穿頭破腳,本欄 ...全文
China’s stock market rose 26 points to close at 3,142 Thursday, although market turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen reached only 550.6 billion yuan. The market still lacks momentum because of insuffici ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-25
The People’s Bank of China held a press conference to calm investors following the devaluation of the renminbi. The central bank stressed that it was not embarking on a steady devaluation of the curre ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-14
The market has widely anticipated the move by US index provider MSCI Inc. to put on hold its decision on whether to include China A shares in its Emerging Markets Index. Equity markets responded with ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-11
The boost from China’s latest interest rate cut for the Hong Kong stock market has already faded out. The Hang Seng Index has failed to break the resistance level of 28,000 points, and dropped 1.12 pe ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-13
The Hong Kong market has reached the inflection point of greed and fear. As I’ve pointed out previously, the Hang Seng Index has rallied in April for seven of past nine years, while the China Enterpri ...More
EJ Insight2015-04-08
The mainland and Hong Kong stock markets have been moving sideways recently, prompting investors to switch from heavyweight stocks into sectors with potential to attract government support. This will ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-04
The stock market through train between Hong Kong and mainland China which starts today is being called a once-in-a-decade policy-driven bonanza. Mainland retail investors that meet the 500,000 yuan (U ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-17
As the war in Iraq between the new Jihadist state, the government and the Kurds intensifies, 10,000 Chinese are trapped in the country, unable to leave. Flights to and from Baghdad are scarce and regu ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-15
As the rebel jihadi army approaches Baghdad, the world is counting the heavy cost of a civil war in OPEC’s second largest oil producer – and China will be among the biggest losers. Last year China imp ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-23
China and Malta have signed off on an energy deal that rescues the indebted Maltese energy utility and gives China a Mediterranean foothold in a future energy hub for the European Union, China Daily r ...More
EJ Insight2014-03-13
The ultimate aim is to cut air pollution but the goal in one number is to build 18 gigawatts of new wind generation capacity this year. The figure is part of the National Energy Administration's 2014 ...More
EJ Insight2014-03-05
Shanghai aims to have more than 10,000 new-energy vehicles on the city's streets by 2015, the official Xinhua news agency reported Sunday, citing the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Infor ...More
EJ Insight2014-03-03
After closing above 24,000 points Monday, investors spent Tuesday taking profit, putting selling pressure on the Hong Kong benchmark index. The Hang Seng Index fell 128 points, or 0.53 percent, to 23, ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-03
Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. (600021.CN) plans to set up an investment company with registered capital of 50 million yuan (US$8.207 million) in the Shanghai free trade zone to coordinate capital ...More
EJ Insight2013-11-29
Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. (02727.HK 601727.CN) and Japan's Fuji Electric Group have agreed to set up two joint ventures, one in manufacturing and the other an engineering company, to complement ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-22