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【消息】強積金去年負回報8.2% 人均蝕近2.5萬

環球股市12月再度急插,拖累強積金全年虧損再度擴大,根據湯森路透理柏數據顯示,去年強積金整體負回報8.21%, ...全文


昌興國際(00803) 資本重組 / 更改每手買賣單位 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期 / 股份期權計劃 / 交...更多

昌興國際(00803) 有關(1)建議股份合併;(2)建議更改每手買賣單位;(3)建議計劃授權限額更新;及(4 ...全文


時富投資(01049) 延遲發送通函或其他文件 / 公開招股 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 資本重組 / 暫停...更多

時富投資(01049) 進一步延遲寄發通函、寄發通函及經修訂預期時間表有關(1)建議按照於記錄日期每持有一(1 ...全文


協鑫新能源(00451) 更換董事或重要行政職能或職責的變更 / 更換公司秘書 / 更改註冊地址或辦事處、香港業務的註冊地或香港接...更多

協鑫新能源(00451) 執行董事、公司治理委員會及投資決策委員會成員、首席財務官辭任、公司秘書變動及授權代表 ...全文



富達國際表示,香港強積金市場於2018年錄得整體回報-8.83%。港元貨幣市場基金類別為表現最佳的強積金類別, ...全文



依家9點41分,剛剛由Pantry CEO珠姐手上接過佢親手做嘅蛋糕一件(我今朝早餐有著落啦!多謝珠姐!)之後 ...全文


Trump expects second Kim meeting in 'not too distant future'

US President Donald Trump said he has received a “great” letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and will probably meet him again in the not-too-distant future as part of efforts to persuade him t ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

Trump calls December stock market fall a 'glitch'

US President Donald Trump played down the stock market’s drop at the end of 2018, calling it a “glitch” and saying the market will again go up once various trade deals are settled, Reuters reports.  T ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

Tesla cuts US prices on all vehicles, shares drop

Tesla Inc. cut US prices for all its vehicles to offset lower green tax credits, and fell short on quarterly deliveries of its mass-market Model 3 sedan, sending shares of the electric vehicle maker d ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

【消息】中銀推定存優惠 美元一年期息2.88厘

中銀香港(02388)推出定期存款優惠,港元一年期定存息達2.5厘,3個月期息則有2厘;美元一年期利率更達2. ...全文



截至去年12月24日,康宏MPF綜合指數報211.15點,按月下跌4.10%,去年初以來,回報累計下跌10.6 ...全文



今朝出門口之前我同老爺講:又要返工打稿啦;佢答我:「你咪第一句同大家講新年快樂!身體健康!大家今年搵多啲!賺多 ...全文


Kim says ready to meet Trump 'anytime' but warns of 'new path'

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he is ready to meet US President Donald Trump again anytime to achieve their common goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, but warned he may have to take an ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-02


不少客戶於現時市場環境和利率水平下,有意將部分財富配置於現金存款。滙豐表示,今年會繼續推出多種不同形式的存款優 ...全文


Dow soars more than 1,000 points on short-covering, technicals

US stocks staged a dramatic rebound on Wednesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average surging more than 1,000 points for the first time ever, on short-covering activity following reports of strong h ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

British govt to activate full 'no-deal' Brexit preparation

The British government said on Tuesday that it will implement plans for a no-deal Brexit in full and begin telling businesses and citizens to prepare for the risk of leaving the European Union without ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-19


噚日揀咗隻恒指熊(69755)出嚟,吼到朝早11點見恒指5分鐘圖SlowSTC(14,3)出現超買時落場嘅話, ...全文


US equities in bear market; 2nd leg down more painful: Gundlach

US stocks will suffer further falls, billionaire bond trader and investment guru Jeffrey Gundlach said on Monday, warning of a long-term bear market. Speaking on CNBC TV, Gundlach, who is the chief ex ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

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