Inc dismissed the idea of running a fully automated warehouse in the near future, citing the superior cognitive ability of humans and limitations of current technology, Reuters reports. Sco ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-02
... Corp. and for the title of most valuable US company as all three have passed the symbolic trillion mark. The Cupertino, California, company first breached a trillion-dollar valuation in Aug ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-02
... 測Facebook、Amazon、騰訊(00700)、阿里巴巴等其他科網股會否步上後塵?答案是未必。況且,Go ...全文
... ing giant Amazon and the world’s wealthiest person, decided to substantially raise the minimum hourly wage of his company’s 350,000 employees across the US by 36 percent to US$15. And earlier this mon ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-26 Inc plans to deliver packages to members of its loyalty club Prime in just one day, instead of two days, part of a spending ramp-up that may curb near-term profits and will up the ante for ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-26
... 雲端產品,與亞馬遜的Amazon Web Services(AWS)屬競爭對手。微軟行政總裁納德拉2014年起 ...全文
... anies and Inc have taken turns in recent months to rank as the world’s most valuable US-listed company. Microsoft’s stock has gained about 23 percent so far this year, after hitting a recor ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-25
Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and Pingduoduo are all e-commerce companies, but their business models vary a lot – so is the performance. A most recent example is Amazon’s move to raise staff wages and ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-23
... 成疑問。電子商務巨頭Amazon早已推出Amazon Robotics來處理貨件,它們會自動閱讀訂單,然後從貨 ...全文
Amazon is shutting its online store in China that allows shoppers to buy from domestic sellers, scaling back operations in the world’s most populous nation. An Amazon spokeswoman told Reuters on Thurs ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-18
Third-party sales have grown to 58 percent of the total last year from just 3 percent in 1999, founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos highlighted in his 2018 letter to shareholders. In my o ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-18
現代經濟日益複雜,企業愈趨立體,即使同屬一個行業也難一概而論。好像亞馬遜(Amazon)、eBay、阿里巴巴、 ...全文
... tflix and Amazon Prime Video, has more than 25 million subscribers. Hulu’s total value has now risen from a reported US$5.8 billion in 2016, when Time Warner - now a part of AT&T - bought the stak ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-16
... 保險制度千瘡百孔,與Amazon創辦人貝索斯和美國銀行巨擘摩根大通集團攜手組成一間名為Haven的醫療保險公司 ...全文
... 美國另一個創科中心,Amazon及Microsoft等科技巨企都在當地設有總部,預期香港與當地在商務及創新方面 ...全文