... s relaxed visa rules. But interestingly, the number of Hong Kong visitors to Bangkok has been declining. That's based on chats with well-travelled friends who are now opting for Tokyo or Taipei, inste ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-06
... nge for a visa to visit the island. His offer was eventually declined by Taiwanese authorities. Chen appears to have mastered the art of pulling publicity stunts in order to burnish his reputation and ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... o discuss visa policies for Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong. That said, the New People's Party is proud of its good relations with the Liaison Office as it gives the impression that the party can stan ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-13
Imperial Pacific International Holdings (01076.HK) is trying to get the United States government to ease the visa limits for overseas workers in Saipan as the firm seeks to boost the staff strength at ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-12
... ks to its visa-free policy for Chinese tourists, who are visiting Saipan by the hundreds and thousands. The majority of Saipan people are pretty satisfied with their current political status and there ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-30
... even our visa policies. The "One Country Two Systems" principle is really proving to be something of a joke. Well, what else can we say as we learn that a prominent Taiwanese politician has been barr ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-24
... 00 to 400 visa applications every day. By comparison, Myanmar's consulates in other cities could have the luxury of two or three business days for verifying a visa application. But the Hong Kong bran ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-19
... 電訊(06823)及VISA等機構。曾俊華上星期在網誌亦有提及:「在金融科技的世界,電子支付是其中一個想像和發 ...全文
Travel agencies in Hong Kong have complained that the Guangdong government caught them off guard by abruptly suspending the popular "144-hour convenience visa" regime for some tourists. Apple Daily ci ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-10
... gle entry visa scheme for tourists who arrive at the international airport and sea passenger terminal of Vladivostok may kick off from October. Chinese investors The free port has so far received 104 ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08
... 。惟道指受到麥當勞及Visa股價下跌拖累,連續第五日下跌,見超過兩星期低位。 周一內地股市微跌,但恒指高開逾1 ...全文
... t Chinese visa authorities “are demanding Canadians of Chinese descent apply as Chinese nationals when traveling to China”. The author, Cal Wong, described himself as a Hong Kong-born Australian and s ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-02
... ls need a visa to visit the city. The New York Times once revealed that Beijing sells, through Hong Kong, arms worth US$500 million to Pyongyang every year. Hong Kong maintains far closer economic and ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-29
美國網上支付系統PayPal周四與發卡商Visa宣布達成合作協議,在PayPal支付系統中使用Visa信用卡可 ...全文
... ng denied visa-free access to the US. Hong Kong refused to extradite Snowden, who was wanted by Washington for leaking classified information from the US National Security Agency, after former spy cam ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-20
... g relaxed visa restrictions to other tourist destinations and a decreasing overall number of tourists to Hong Kong, are the parks themselves really to blame? Global brand and marketing consultancy Pro ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-18
... countries visa-free after Britain leaves the EU. Many universities in Britain are also worried that they might need to carry out drastic budget cuts in the days ahead as a lot of them have been heavil ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-18
由《信報通識》及香港教育城主辦,教育局及香港金融管理局協辦,並獲Visa全力支持的「全港通識理財問答比賽201 ...全文