
共 1455 個結果
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投資移民 先了解適合方案

... migration Visa,下稱「IV」)和非移民類(Non-immigration Visa,下稱「NIV ...全文


Will Shanghai Disney stifle the growth of HK theme parks?

... g relaxed visa restrictions to other tourist destinations and a decreasing overall number of tourists to Hong Kong, are the parks themselves really to blame? Global brand and marketing consultancy Pro ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Brexit poses challenges and opportunities for UK universities

... countries visa-free after Britain leaves the EU. Many universities in Britain are also worried that they might need to carry out drastic budget cuts in the days ahead as a lot of them have been heavil ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

通識理財比賽 參與率破紀錄

由《信報通識》及香港教育城主辦,教育局及香港金融管理局協辦,並獲Visa全力支持的「全港通識理財問答比賽201 ...全文


寓學習於娛樂 掌握生涯規劃
學生建Million Castle學理財

... 香港金融管理局協辦,Visa全力支持的「全港通識理財問答比賽2016」針對青少年理財,讓中學生通過網上問答比賽 ...全文


After Brexit, British scramble for foreign passports

...  bringing visa-free access to dozens of desired countries. But not since June 23, when a majority of citizens voted to leave the European Union after 42 years. This means that British people will no l ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

The au pair: a viable alternative to foreign domestic helpers

... a special visa who stays in a host family as a homestay guest and helps to take care of the family's children. In return, the au pair gets paid and is protected by labor laws. One advantage of au pair ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-30

沃達豐警告 總部撤出英國

... 的風力發電投資計劃。Visa亦考慮在英國裁員數百人。不過,英國商務大臣賈偉德(Sajid Javid)說,仍有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月30日

More mainlandized? HK is also more internationalized than ever

... e one for visa applications. The nationality group in the city that has witnessed the fastest increase in population is perhaps the French. Alliance Française de Hong Kong notes that the number of Fre ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-29

Canada queries China about visa curbs on HK-born Canadians

Canada is pressing China over media reports that authorities are no longer allowing some Canadian citizens born in Hong Kong to visit the mainland on 10-year visas, the foreign ministry in Ottawa said ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-29

小巴及巴士付款 提現轉賬卡增值

... 服務,即用戶可直接從Visa和MasterCard即時為電子錢包增值,但每次會收取增值金額2.5%作為手續費。 ...全文


瑞信:滙豐港交分別下試支持 滙豐購27168港交購27285

... y支援流動付款,滙豐Visa和萬事達卡持卡人將可使用Apple Pay付款。美國聯儲局維持利率不變,但仍預料今 ...全文


瑞信:港交回吐獲資金流入買call 港交購27285

... y支援流動付款,滙豐Visa和萬事達卡持卡人將可使用Apple Pay付款。 滙豐周三跌至一個月低位後反彈,向 ...全文


Another fake monk bites the dust

... aying his visa. Reimer pretended to be a tourist and looked the part by wearing a blonde wig and speaking with an English accent to an unsuspecting Li, a 49-year-old home redecorator from Hubei provin ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-15

Apple Pay今夏登陸香港

... 機構的客戶, 可使用Visa、MasterCard及American Express信用卡,在參與的商戶如「7 ...全文



... mart周初宣布停收Visa卡,理由是未能就Visa收取的手續費達成共識。一直以來信用卡的龍頭大哥是Visa和 ...全文


What Ma's travails with Tsai tell us about Hong Kong

... explained visa delays for an academic seminar in Hong Kong. The Tung Chee-hwa administration categorically denied Beijing had anything to do with these. Recent years have seen improved ties between Ho ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-14


沃爾瑪(Walmart)上周六宣布, 加拿大分店從7月18日起停止接受Visa簽賬,原因是沃爾瑪認為Visa向 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月13日

China opens its bank card market to foreign competition

... mes after Visa and MasterCard, the world's two largest credit and debit card companies, have been lobbying for more than a decade for direct access to China's cards market, Reuters noted. Bank card co ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-08

銀行卡清算 落實引外資

... 吸引更多機構參與。 Visa準備申請 銀行卡清算機構的註冊資本不低於10億元(人民幣.下同),亦不得以委託資金 ...全文


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