... 時亦有14%受訪者以WeChat接收資訊,為本地兩大「收料」程式。 有關調查亦發現,全球各地的年輕一代已習慣在 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年06月27日
滙豐為本港中小企客戶推出WeChat訊息提示服務,客戶只要上網或在任何有WiFi的地方,都可以收到滙豐香港商業 ...全文
... te in his WeChat blog. "Today, I'm handing the leadership to [President] Yu Liang. I believe it's the best timing. They are younger but mature enough." A shareholder meeting to elect new board members ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-21
... bsite and WeChat accounts. During the Labor Day holiday, Sa Sa recorded the highest number of WeChat payment transactions among Hong Kong users of the mobile payment service. But like many tech expert ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-21
... 指出,騰訊旗下微信(WeChat)全球用戶近10億,每月活躍用戶達9.38億,為品牌帶來價值;美中不足的是微信 ...全文
... Alipay or WeChat payment has been blooming for a long time in China, it is also getting popular in Hong Kong. So what is the difference between the two? And what is the difference between CBDC and the ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-18
... ,whatapps與wechat,都令人神經緊張、影響睡眠質素。年輕人青春無敵,健康意識薄弱,預防不足,屢勸不 ...全文
... 700)的微信支付(WeChat Pay)在內地日益普及,兩者的流動支付市場交易金額規模由2012年的不足1萬 ...全文
... official WeChat channel but comments continue to circulate and criticise the campaign. This is not the first time DG has been accused of discrimination in Asia. In 2012, the DG flagship store on Cant ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-26
... wrote on WeChat that at a wedding he attended in Beijing on Saturday, guests were informed at the reception that if anyone forgot to bring red envelopes with them, they can offer their cash gifts by ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-26